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You never liked chess

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You never liked chess. It made your brain feel funny with trying to figure out all the different moves you as well as your opponent could make. Often playing a move thinking you have a piece in the bag, meanwhile you're always one-up'd and you lose your queen. Not to mention you'd get your ass handed to you whenever you'd verse Reiner. He always made you feel like an idiot for getting caught in the most obvious traps. It made you despise the game.

Yet, here you sat opposite Mr Kruger. It was midday, the therapy sessions had just finished and you found yourself eagerly offering to play a game with him. He didn't oppose. Mr Kruger was often like that. Very reserved but never impolite. A common misconception many people had of him to be rude.

You moved your piece. Trying to seem like you knew all the ins and outs of this game, but really you were a lost cause. You couldn't let Mr Kruger see that however. You don't know when, but somewhere along the lines you became attentive to how you portrayed yourself around him.

He moved his piece in a lazy manner. Leaning on his crutch for support afterwards. You looked over his move, analyzing it until you were left confused. Not because you had no idea what to do next, but because he practically left the biggest opening for a checkmate. He'd be asking to lose. You didn't say anything. Maybe he made a mistake. You glanced at him, waiting for the gears to click, but they didn't.

You sucked your lips in a vein attempt to keep yourself from smiling. If this was a genuine move he didn't seem very good at the game. Taking your piece and making the check mate. At first it didn't register to him that he made himself lose, but when he did, the smallest sigh escaped his lips.

"I didn't see that." He admitted honestly. You'd think something like that would garner some kind of reaction, but ofcourse not with him. Not in the slightest.

"Do you want to play another? There's other games we could try-"

"What do you want to know about me?"

He suddenly interrupts you. You freeze for a moment, but you quickly tried to casually play off your nerves.

"What do you mean?" You made sure to avert eye contact. Trying your hardest to sound as casual as possible while still putting the chess pieces in their respective positions.

"You're always around me. Asking questions about me. I thought that's what therapy sessions are for but not with you." He shuffled in his chair. Assuming he looked away, you looked up at him. Big mistake.

His eyes didn't leave yours. He didn't even look the least bit uncomfortable with how much direct eye contact he was making. But you couldn't look uncomfortable either. That would prove his statement right.

"I'm not always around you. I take care of all of my patients equally." You responded rather confidently. Choosing to maintain the eye contact instead of fiddling with the chess pieces again. He didn't say anything right away. He hunmed lowly as a response before nodding.

Mr Kruger (Eren x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now