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You've now worked more than a full weeks worth of shifts. Absolutely exhausted and desperately needing a day off. Luckily today was your last shift and you'd be off for the next 3 days. You've had to take on tasks you haven't done in ages and go to sections you've never been to before. It's been the most hectic week honestly since the war started so you're thankful that its finally over.

You were nearing knock off time, only finishing off the last few bits of paperwork you had to fill in. You couldn't help your mind that wondered off to the green eyed patient you've been helping. You haven't seen nor treated him since the day in the infirmary. You actually have no idea whose been treating him since you had unanimously became his regular over the course of the week. It didn't really matter who to you though, so long as he was being taken care of, but you couldn't deny that every passing second that you weren't trying to get closer to him made you think you were losing any progress that you may had gained. But of course there's no way you'd get close enough with that kind of route. You were well aware that for any person some space is always a healthy step in order to become comfortable with each other. Its always been a slow task that one. One you dreaded. It required the most patience out of all the steps but ironically was the most crucial one too.

Despite understanding the various steps and tricks of getting into a persons mind, you also knew that every person is different. Vastly so and Mr Kruger wasn't an exception. In fact if you had to put a pin on it, you'd say in your many years of working this job he was by far the most different. Incredibly different and you're quite surprised to say that not many nurses felt the compulsion to figure him out as much as you do.

With all that being said, you knew he had been prescribed medication for the sure pain to arise in his missing leg and you'll plan on giving him his daily supplement when you get back. A good 4 day separation should impact him in one way or another. May it be large or even just a flicker in his mind that he hasn't spoken to you in awhile. They all garner the same outcome. Progress.

"It's really amazing, isn't it?" One nurse spoke to another as she drank what you presumed to be coffee. It was a fairly empty hall so her words were almost impossible to tune out as you continued with your paperwork.

"It is- I haven't even gotten the courage to speak to him, let alone convince him to go to Physical." The other responded. Their conversation had peaked your interest in seconds.

"Do you think it will help?"

"It always helps, he just needs to be willing-"

"Excuse me-" You couldn't help but interrupt the two after your mind had begun to fit the pieces of their conversation together. Placing your pen down and giving them a tiny placid smile. "Sorry to interrupt, I couldn't help but overhear your conversation. Are you guys by any chance talking about Mr Kruger?"

Mr Kruger (Eren x Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu