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"He what?"

"Mr Kruger. He had one of the highest fevers I'd ever seen yesterday."

"You're kidding..." You exhaled in disbelief, raking your fingers into your hair. Mr Kruger actually got sick while you were off? That's such a joke, out of all days!

"Hey, don't beat yourself up about it. You couldn't have known." The nurse tried to comfort you with a gentle squeeze on your shoulder. You tried to smile at her to indicate you'd be okay.

"By the way, I love what you did with your hair." She compliments. You subconsciously touch your hair when she says this, a light blush on your cheeks.


"Yeah, you should do it like that more often." She waves and begins her way down the hallway leaving you alone.

You should probably begin your day too. You left the front desk as well with your daily checklist in hand, holding your keys that clanked around a bit too much this early morning, and tried to remain focused as you headed to Mr Kruger.

You didn't know why you felt a change in pace this morning. Your hair wasn't in its usual messy heap. You neatened it up this time and did a slick back bun with no strands sticking out other than along the sides. You did have to admit, hearing the compliment did make you feel nice.

"Miss (L/N)!" You heard your name getting called turning around to see Dina come your way. You smile.

"Morning Dina."

"Good morning ma'am, I just came to get this transfer file signed off. It's that Marleyan patient from a week ago."

"Oh yeah, I thought he was already supposed to be out?" You take the file, opening it to scan its contents.

"He was but there was a delay in getting his room sorted out."

You nodded. He had his image done in black and white on the top left corner of the page. The rest being filled with his mundane details. You scanned them over quickly, but not sure of the name as you had only seen the list of transfer patients once.

"And you're sure this patient is the one going to be transferred?" You asked. She nodded firmly and you trusted her. After all she was showing great capabilities in just her few months here so you had no reason to doubt her.

You signed the transfer papers that were after his first page and after giving her the file back you continued on your way.

You knocked on Mr. Kruger's door, greeting him fondly as you walked in as you normally do.

Mr Kruger wasn't on his bed this time, he sat on a chair in front of his window. The curtains were already open, his bed made, and he looked fresh. As you were the only nurse to be taking care of him, you were also the only one to witness his civil behavior. To say that a patient's room looked like it was mauled by a bear sometimes would be an understatement. Something like this however didn't leave you very surprised.

Mr Kruger (Eren x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now