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Where to even begin?

You have feelings for Mr Kruger.

That's a good place to start.

All this time you chalked up your irrational emotions to his peculiar behaviour, not realizing the longer you avoided such a simple confession, you'd already be so far gone. Everything was starting to make sense. From the difficulty not confiding in him to your last few encounters, it was eye opening. How the line between patient and nurse was starting to become so blurred you were unknowingly meshing it into one.

Your confession did allow you to pinpoint a reason as to why you fluctuated so much that it did make speaking to him easier and dealing with your emotions better. You knew why his presence would stump you so now you could expect it, navigate through it and at the end of the day help him over anything else because something you've noticed about Mr Kruger... he seemed to be different as of late. You can't exactly pin point from when but from the moment you did his physical in the morning to the therapy session you requested for him to go for, something didn't feel right.

Dina's incident had also played in your mind nonstop that it made you notice some irregularities in the entire situation. Mr Kruger, somehow being at the center of it. You couldn't understand why and you couldn't give any solid proof, but something about them felt connected and maybe even planned.

From him showing zero interest in the session, the fatigue that came out of nowhere, then for him to deliberately keep you from leaving the infirmary? It didn't make sense to you. You doubt anybody else picked up on that and a part of you felt like dropping the notion all together from the lack of any evidence but from the moment you met Mr Kruger he was never one you could think inside the box with. You had to take your mind and really become limitless. That's usually how deep someone like Mr Kruger's issues lie. You of course probably haven't experienced anything anywhere near as gruesome and traumatic as he has so you'd naturally need to put your mindset within his scope to understand him and his actions.

You had opened the door to one of the hospital rooms, the fresh air breeze coming through the open window while the sun peeked through. You smiled sadly at Dina, who was lying unconscious in her bed. New sheets had been changed for her. You made sure of that and saw some flowers placed next to her bedside. Probably from her family. With your own bundle of flowers, you put them with the others, setting them nicely.

"Hi Dina." you said softly, taking a chair and sitting next to her. "You're looking better." You say. The emptiness of having a one-sided conversation was creeping into your system. It made your guilt feel worse, but you endured it.

"Nothing much has happened these past few days. Your patients are okay. They've been taken good care of by everyone else. Your parents came, they were really glad to see your vitals are getting better."

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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