Chapter 12: Waylon's dead and the truth is out

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Elizabeth's POV We sit quietly and listen to the radio

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Elizabeth's POV
We sit quietly and listen to the radio. We're completely at peace with each other's presence.

My attention shifts outside to flashing police lights. As we drive past the Forks police station, a sheriff's car pulls away. Charlie's cruiser is still parked out front. I frown and worriedly say "Dad's here late. Something must have happened" wordlessly Edward pulls up and we  climb out. Edward then sees a second car next to the cruiser "That's my father's car. What's he -- ?"

In a pool of light, a distressed Charlie and Dr. Cullen study photographs and evidence. As they wrap up their discussion Dr. Cullen puts a sympathetic hand on Charlie's shoulder, then exits the police station looking grim "Carlisle. What happened?" Edward immediately asks upon seeing his adoptive father. Carlisle reluctantly answers "Waylon Forge was found in the woods out near his place. I just examined the body" Edward darkens while I'm horrified as I read Carlisle's mind.

Those so called animal attacks are actually nomadic vampires passing through and they just killed my uncle.

"I should go inside. Waylon was my father's brother and friend" I can't imagine the pain he's in right now, especially since they've been fighting and now they'll never have a chance to make up. I go to the door, but look back to see them conferring quietly, gravely "See you tomorrow, Teddy" Edward looks up and gives me a comforting smile "Tomorrow, Birdie" he promises.

I enter to find a distressed Charlie studying evidence, photos, maps --trying to make sense of Waylon's death. Deputies come and go in the background as I approach Charlie. He looks up "Dad...I'm so sorry about Waylon" "We've been fighting for the pass 14 years. When really...I should've just forgiven him like I did with Renee"
I stare at him in confusion, he's obviously torn up and I'm not quite sure what to do. So I squat in front of him and take his hands in mine. Charlie squeezes my hands a small action that threatens to evoke even more emotion in Charlie. So he tamps it down, and rises, then projects a confident manner.

"We'll get to the bottom of this, Elizabeth, but in the meantime.." As an ambulance pulls up outside, he opens a drawer, finds a taser "... I want you to have this" he says, I hesitantly place it in my purse.

"There's one more thing that you need to know about Waylon....the reason that we fought so much....and the real reason that Renee and I got divorced is because...well.....Waylon's your father" Charlie explains. I blink and ask "What...?" Charlie goes on to explain everything that happened 14 years ago.

As Charlie goes to get his coat, I step outside to head for his cruiser only to see two Attendants hoist a metal gurney into an ambulance.

On it, Waylon's dead, white, bloody bare feet peek out from under a sheet, resting at a disturbingly unnatural angle. I suddenly feel nauseous. Before I know what I'm doing I bolt back inside and sprint to the ladies room startling Charlie as I pass him. Once inside the restroom I upchuck my entire dinner into the closest toilet.

I'm a heaving, sobbing mess while Charlie pounds on the door and calls out for me worriedly. I ignore him as a headache takes over and I'm in a hotel bathroom with Sam stepping out of the shower he looks startled by my appearance and worriedly said "Hey, hey what's wrong?" His hands hover over me as I sob.

I look up at him and say "Forks, Washington" before another headache pulls me out of there and back to the police station bathroom.

I shakily stand up and call out in a raspy voice "I'm fine....just a little bit sick after seeing...Waylon" I hear Charlie curse before saying "I'm so sorry, Elizabeth, I thought that they left already" "It's fine" I call out and flushed the toilet before rinsing my mouth.

I exit the bathroom and we head home.

As we enter Charlie says "Maybe you should take tomorrow off...." I shake my head and say "I have to go to school tomorrow...." I head upstairs and upon entering my shared room I toss the book onto Bella's bed before grabbing pajamas and going to take a shower.

When I exit I grab my phone and walk onto the back porch and call Phil, when he answers I ask him to hand the phone over to my mom "Elizabeth? Baby? What's wrong?" I then ask her in a cold tone "Why didn't you tell me that Waylon was my real father?"

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When I exit I grab my phone and walk onto the back porch and call Phil, when he answers I ask him to hand the phone over to my mom "Elizabeth? Baby? What's wrong?" I then ask her in a cold tone "Why didn't you tell me that Waylon was my real father?"

Renee curses then asks "How did you find out?" I let out a scoff that sounds more like a sob and say "Charlie told me after he found Waylon's dead body. He couldn't lie to me anymore" Renee goes silent "Waylon's dead?" I can't hold back the tears anymore "Yes! My biological father, the man you told me to stay away from is dead! I guess I don't have to worry about it avoiding him anymore" "Baby, please, I'm so sor-" I hung up and blocked both Phil and her's number.

I went back inside and curled up on my bed.

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