Chapter 28: Yellow eyes

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Elizabeth's POVI was back home and trying to get things normal again

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Elizabeth's POV
I was back home and trying to get things normal again. I was slowly coming to the decision to graduate high school then become a hunter like Dean and Sam.

November ended and December began and it was already December 22nd. I made plans with the Winchesters to go on a hunt after Christmas. Currently I was checking to make sure that I had all of the ingredients for Christmas dinner while Bella was stalking Jake and dad was working on a missing persons case. Riley Biers, I think the kid's name is.

Everything was cold and still. I tried to brush off the uneasiness and distract myself, but then a wave of nausea hit me and the smell of rotten eggs filled my nose. I was dizzy as the lights flickered and grasped the counter for support.

That's when I felt him.

I quickly grasped a butcher's knife, that I was using to remove the bone from the ham to make bone gravy, and whirled around to attack. Only for my wrist to be caught midair and to come face to face with the demon that haired my nightmares.

"Hey, Lexi babe, long time no see."

~~~timeskip~~~Elizabeth's POVI wake up with a groan and slowly sit up

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Elizabeth's POV
I wake up with a groan and slowly sit up. I hold my head for a moment before looking up and gasping. I scramble to my feet and look around in shock. I appear to be in some sort of ghost town. I dig around in my pockets and yank out my phone. No service.

I close my eyes and try a different approach. I'm only out for a second when I sense a familiar presence. I snap my eyes open and my head jerks up and I bolt.

3rd POV
Sam searches the deserted town but doesn't find much. Most of the buildings are broken down or locked from the outside. Suddenly, Sam hears a creaking noise nearby. He grabs a plank of wood, ready to fight, when Andy Gallagher turns the corner. Sam brandishes the plank, and Andy jumps back, startled.

"Andy?" Sam says startled "Sam! What are you doing here?" Andy says relieved by the familiar face "I don't know" Sam answers truthfully "What am I doing here?!" Andy says going back to freaking out "I don't know" Sam repeats "Where are we?!" Andy continues "Andy, look, calm down" Sam starts only to be cut off by Andy having a miniature meltdown "I can't calm down! I just woke up in freaking Frontierland!"

"What's the last thing you remember?" Sam says trying to get Andy to focus "Honestly? My fourth bong load. It was weird. All of a sudden, there was this really intense smell. Like, uh..." Andy says trailing off "Like sulfur?" Sam asks "How did you know that?" Andy asks confirming Sam's suspicions.

Sam suddenly remembers something "Dean" Andy looks at Sam and asks "Your, your brother – is he here?" Sam truthfully answers "I don't know where he is. I don't know if he's..." only to be cut off when they hear a woman screaming in the distance. They approach another deserted building. She is locked inside, banging on the door for help.

"Hello?" Sam calls "Help me! Help me, please!" The woman begs "Okay, I'm here. We're gonna get you out, all right? Just hold on a second" Sam says comfortingly "Please!" The woman sobs. Sam grabs a large rock and smashes the padlock on the door "All right, one second" he says with a grunt. Sam unlocks the door and Ava Wilson steps out.

"Ava?" Sam asks surprised "Oh my God! Sam!" Ava says sobbing, she gives him a gigantic hug. "So, I guess you guys know each other?" Andy says awkwardly "Yeah" Sam says nodding "How did you—I mean, how did you—" Ava word vomits "Ava, have you been here this whole time?" Sam asks "What whole time? I just woke up in there, like, a half an hour ago" Ava says "Well, you've been gone for five months. My brother and I have been looking for you everywhere" Sam informs her.

"Okay, that's impossible, because I saw you two days ago" Ava denies "You didn't. I'm sorry" Sam says "But... that makes no sense. That's not—oh my God! My fiancée, Brady! If I've been missing for that long, he must be freaking out!" Ava says panicking "Well..." Sam starts "Oh!" Ava exclaims as she notices Andy and looks at him, confused.

"Hey. Andy. Also freaking out" Andy says as an introduction "Okay..." Ava says before turning back to Sam "What's happening?" She asks "I, uh, uh, I don't really know yet. But I know one thing: I know what the three of us have in common" Sam says. They suddenly hear a man's voice, calling from the distance. Sam suddenly feels a pressure in his head and a familiar presence surrounds him before disappearing.

"Hello? Is anybody there?" The unidentified male asks "Sam! Sam!" The familiar voice of Elizabeth cries out, echoing across the deserted town drawing attention to what would be the town hall.

"Maybe more than three. Elizabeth!" Sam says and they run to the side of the building. Elizabeth bursts through the door and leaps into Sam's arms. Sam hold Elizabeth protectively like an older brother would his younger sister "Sam!" Elizabeth cries out in relief. Sam tightens his grip on her "Elizabeth" he sighs. The man, Jake Talley, accompanied by a blonde girl, Lily, rounds the corner and Elizabeth and Sam break the embrace.

"Hey! Hey, you guys all right?" Sam asks "I think so" Jake says "I'm Sam and this is Elizabeth" Sam introduces as Elizabeth becomes skittish and slightly hides behind him "I'm Jake" Jake replies "Lily" the blonde girl says.

"Are there any more of you?" Sam asks "Naw" Jake says "How did we even get here? A minute ago, I was in San Diego" Lily says "Well, if it makes you feel any better, I went to sleep last night in Afghanistan" Jake says "Let me take a wild guess: you two are both 23? We all are. And we all have abilities. Well, except Elizabeth. They're a....special case" Sam says making Elizabeth peer out at them "Accidental reincarnation from astral projection. So I'm subconsciously 23, but physically 18" Elizabeth explains.

"What?" Jake asks looking at the duo like they grew two heads "It started a little over a year ago? You found you could do things? Things you didn't think were possible?" Sam asks and both Jake and Lily nod. "I have visions. I see things before they happen" Sam says "Yeah. Me, too" Ava nods.

"Yeah, and I can put thoughts into people's heads. Like, make them do stuff. But don't worry, it, I don't think it works on you guys. Oh, but get this –- I've been practicing. Training my brain, like meditation. So now, it's not just thoughts I can beam out, but images, too. Like, anything I want. Bam! People, they see it. This one guy I know – total dick, right? I used it on him: gay porn. All hours of the day" Andy laughs "It was just like ... you should have seen the look on his face."

The other five look unamused, at best, disgusted at worst "Uh...okay. What about you...Elizabeth?" Andy awkwardly tries to change the subject. Elizabeth shrugs and says "I'm a walking psychic arsenal. Pick your poison and I can do it" "So, you go, 'Simon says give me your wallet' and they do?" Lily asks Andy before turning to Sam "You have visions? That's great! I'd kill for something like that!" "Lily, listen, it's okay—" Sam starts "No. It's not. I touch people? Their hearts stop. I can barely leave my house. My life's not exactly improved. So, screw you. I just wanna go home" Lily snaps.

"And what, we don't?" Jake asks "You know what, don't talk to me like that, not right—" Lily starts only for Sam to interrupt "Hey, guys, please. Look, whether we like it or not, we're all here, and so we all have to deal with this" Sam says "Who brought us here?" Andy asks "It's less of a 'who' and more of a 'what'" Elizabeth says making everyone look at her "What does that mean?" Ava says slightly freaked.

Sam looks at Elizabeth in concern "It's a demon. Yellow eyes, I saw him when..." "Elizabeth? Did he...." Elizabeth lifts her neck up revealing a dark bluish purple— atomistic black— hand shaped bruise.

Lily huff out "A demon did that?" Sam takes a closer look and sees burn like marks around the finger indentations with traces of yellow powder " least a person possessed by one did" Elizabeth lowered their neck "I think that war we've been hearing about, is starting" Elizabeth says.

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