🜃 | It was only a kiss

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[this is the first ever lava one shot i began writing... and i finished it today... so the 3/4 of this is around a year old lol if that answers your questions about why the writing is maybe kinda weird... anyway the title comes from the song Mr. Brightside this piece was inspired by and which i listened to on the loop while writing this. there were many titles i came up with but i think this one truly hits the spot. holy shit its a year since I've gotten back... anyway, on 30.4. it would be exactly a year since i created the docs file hehe. OKAY I'm going to let you read now I'm just so. this is my first ever lava piece yall, I'm emotional, sorry :DD]

They did it again. They saved their home and the people within it. The spirits of the Anacondrai generals took care of the impostor Anacondrai army, and Ninjago was safe once again. Everyone was cheering, excited about the victory after the exhausting battle.

Jay, Kai, Cole, and Zane watched as the Bounty landed in front of them.

"Ha, ha! You showed them!" cheered the Master of Speed, followed by the rest of the Elemental Masters. Cole turned to him.

"You mean 'we' showed them," he corrected. He held Griffin by his shoulders and smiled.

"Thanks for fighting with us."

"Huh. Smarter than fighting against you," said Karlof as he held Jay and Kai closer to him with his large metal hands. A scared look showed up on both of their faces for a second before they relaxed again. They did not manage to stand still though and ended up falling. Everybody laughed as Jay and Kai got up and hugged Karlof, this time properly and without knocking anyone over.

"Anytime you need our help, just holler," proclaimed Jay as he stood next to Karlof, who had both his arms around his and Kai's shoulders.

"Same goes for you," spoke up the Master of Mind, standing next to Zane. Boy, was it great to have them all on your side. No more fighting and hostility. "I imagine we all have homes and villages to get back to. Thank you, ninja."

"Thank you, friend," responded Zane sincerely.

Cole couldn't help but stare at Kai the whole time. He loved seeing him so happy and excited, relaxed and without any worry. It was nice. Not only because they all worried all of the time but also because a smile really suited Kai (and Cole really loved the smile of his). Not like there was really anything that didn't suit Kai. Of course, Cole wouldn't admit it out loud. Not only because Kai already had a rather big ego, but also because Cole would most likely get redder than Kai's clothes. He wasn't really sure what was happening to him.

Well... he did have a feeling he knew but he was too afraid to admit it to himself. He just hoped that if he didn't even think the three words, it wouldn't be true. What if it would ruin their team? And besides, Kai had Skylor, apparently.

Skylor, which he was now going after, away from the big group. Cole's gaze followed him as he followed the red-haired girl. Of course, Kai deserved to be happy and if Skylor made him happy, it was all good, right? Why should he get all worked up over it? But there was just something in him. He wasn't sure what it was but it certainly wasn't a pleasant feeling. It was as if there was another Elemental Dragon right inside his stomach but it wasn't as friendly as his own was. It was roaring furiously, swivelling inside him every time he saw the pair together. He couldn't calm it down. It rested only when Kai and Skylor parted ways. And when Kai was near Cole, the dragon seemed - or rather, felt - happy.

Cole had no idea what was going on. He never felt it before, it started when the first thoughts and feelings about Kai appeared. Somebody must've cursed him, there was no other way that could explain it.

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