🜃 | carry me home

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[i wouldnt be surprised if the single picture made me reread rubyred and watch the movies as well lol. also... maybe i should not post the moment i finish writing but that's a thought for another day lol. enjoy another onesie :D]


When he noticed him leaning against the building, Cole almost felt like he was drowning on land.

The red fabric almost glowed in contrast to his pale skin. Like spilt red wine on a white rug. Like blood spilling into clean bandages.

Cole didn't hesitate for a moment longer and rushed to his side, ready to do anything to get the fire ninja out o this horrible state. For now, he had to ignore all of the anxiety piling up inside of him, strangling his organs like a vicious snake. He had to get Kai to safety first, then he can allow himself to freak out.

If only his lungs would agree on the plan.

Cole crouched down next to him, placing a hand over one of Kai's that was also pale and weak. Like his entire body must've been."Kai?" Slowly, his head turned to him. Kai's eyes were half-lidded, his mouth slightly open, his hair an uncontrollable mess. It seemed that staying awake was a great challenge for the ninja and he had to fight with his own consciousness to not let his eyes close.

"Cole?" The weakness of his voice... how much strength he must have put into the one word... No. First, he had to get him to safety. Only then he can allow himself to lose control.

"What happened?"

Why is he losing time?


As if he slapped himself, Cole shook his head and tried to pul himself together. This was not the right time.


Avoiding any more losses of the precious thing, Cole left the questions "Can you walk?" and "How much are you hurt?" unsaid and instead went right into action.

As carefully as possible, Cole took Kai into his arms and picked him up, listening carefully if Kai made the slightest sound of pain or discomfort. He looked up and down the alley for any sort of danger, but lucky for him, the coast was clear. With Kai resting in his arms, Cole walked out back the way he came in, away from the darned place where whatever happened to Kai, happened.

He was aware that there was trouble the moment their communication died down. However, his optimistic side hoped it was only an accident. That it was just Kai being reckless again and accidentally destroying his intercom.

What Cole certainly didn't expect to see was his beloved teammate on the verge of blacking out in an empty alley, in possibly the worst state he has ever seen him in. And to make matters even worse, he could not see what was the cause. He couldn't see blood, he couldn't see a wound. All he could see were Kai's drooping eyes and wobbling head. Kai's breath was quiet and shaky but over Cole's panting huffs, there was nothing to be heard.

The thought of Cole not being able to hear Kai's breath terrified him so much, it made him pick up his pace as if it was a dangerous wolf trying to catch him.

The red ninja didn't even have the strength to hold onto Cole, not even to keep his arms around his neck. Kai's arms just flayed around as they moved.

And while Kai could feel it every time it rocked, his own consciousness felt so distant from it all. Similar to when your ears are blocked or when you find yourself underwater.

His eyes were slowly about to close...

"Kai, stay with me."

...until the voice brought him back again.


"It's me, I'm here, don't worry." How was Cole able to say such words was beyond him. 'Don't worry'? Now that is ridiculous. "I'm getting you to safety, all right? But you gotta stay with me."

"Wh-" The earth ninja had no idea what question that was meant to be. Who? What? Where? When? Why?

And even if he knew - would he have an answer for him?


Not being to decipher his almost inaudible whispers was indeed annoying, but as long as it meant Kai was somewhat conscious, it was a good sign and that mattered the most. He would still like to know what was bugging the ninja's mind in his current state.


"Nothing to be sorry about, I'm just glad you're alive." A thought flashed into his mind, making Cole gulp - let's just ignore that for now because it won't happen anyway, none of it will ever happen, his mind is just trying to freak him out.

"Focus on staying awake, all right? Don't close your eyes," he instructed out of breath. Was he breathless because of running with another person in his arms or because his chest refused to let any oxygen in? Where were they? In his rush, the streets were blurry just like his mind.

Safety. He has to get him to safety.


"Kai shut the hell up, for the love of god, just shut up and focus on staying awake!" tears stung in his eyes, making everything worse. He could barely see where they were anymore. How is he supposed to find Zane like this?

And yet, his legs moved on, still making him walk, as if they had a mind of their own. Cole couldn't tell what was causing the trembling of his arms. Was it Kai shaking himself or was it the terrifying vision of Kai allowing his eyes to seal forever?

He can't tear his eyes away from the embers because getting them out of his sight might mean not seeing them ever again and all of the air was out of his lungs and the tears stung once again.

"Come on, Kai, look at me, stay with me, don't you dare close your eyes. Please just don't close your eyes," he begged, unable to hold his emotions back. He was the supposed mountain and yet he was walking through the vacant streets with tears in his eyes and with his voice as weak as Kai's.

"Your voice always sounds so nice. How do you do it? How do you sound so nice even when you're pissed as hell or terrified? How do you do it?"

Cole choked on a sob as he fought with all his might to clear his mind, to find a way out of the labyrinth the city seemed to become. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Kai's lips move in mute words he had no strength to say.

But they were moving and as long as he saw the glimpse of the two ambers he found himself able of going on. The sight pushing him further through the streets and to safety.

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