🜂 | Noted.

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[okay so as you might've noticed I went a liiiiittle bit radio silent… um, I think I might have burnt myself out just a teensy tiny bit lol. after that one chapter in dgb i just… the passion for drawing and writing went down the drain… SO as a restart, I scribbled down this, because i love writing and i love ninjago and i really, really wanted to keep updating my fics but whenever i opened the docs all I could do was close them again. so i decided to forget all my aus, all my unfinished one shots, requests, fics in progress and just try something fresh and simple to just get back into it. so this isnt something big, really, but im sharing it with you anyway because i love this hc that kai and cole just keep getting lost in their own little bubble where only the two exist and i want to make this up to you guys. i honestly think it worked! it still might take me a while to get back into the writing grind but its better than being stuck in one spot.
thank you so much for your continuous support and i hope you're all doing well!! love you guys
my heart goes out to palestine ❤️💚🖤]

spar in courtyard?

It all began as simply as that. Just a tiny bit of paper with a quickly scribbled note one extraordinarily busy day, when all Kai wanted was a moment of peace. And who's a better person for that than Cole?

The note got lost or thrown out, maybe it burnt under who knows what circumstances. No one cared how the note ended because it seemed less than irrelevant.

But as the monastery started getting more crowded, and as they spent more and more time on the Bounty, the idea came coming back up more than once in several months.

got some chocolates stashed – don't tell Lloyd!
meet at roof

does Jay know?
no he has ZERO idea
you did that?

wanna get outta here 4 a bit?

spar duel in the gym, last there is a loser!

The two exchanged short notes more and more often until it quickly became another one of their habits. Another one of the “Kai and Cole” things. Another one of the things they thought was only between them, when, in reality, everybody else at the monastery was painfully aware of what they were doing. The only secret truly between them were the contents of those notes. While sometimes the context was a little apparent, most of the time it was like being a witness to a telepathic conversation about the weather.

Nevertheless, everyone left them to be themselves. Their notes got on the unspoken list of strange but normal things different groups did. Like Jay and Lloyd's secret code, Kai and Nya's enigmatic hand signals or Cole and Zane's endless conversation of complete and absolute silence.

we r on groceries duty, you think we can convince Jay it's his turn?

Lloyd's leaving w Wu! movie night??

Pix & Nya upgraded the training course, wanna test it w me?

how's the weather up there?
shut up.

you think he's coming back?
definitely not, pretty sure I heard Nya too
let's sneak out too?
already working on it

whatever he says don't take the can from LL
just trust me idiot

i told you so

not talking to me? as if i didnt just warn you

if we convince Nya to go the monastery is all ours
sounds like a plan

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2023 ⏰

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