🜃 | please, don't leave me in the end

542 18 19

[i didnt want to wait a year to post this on beeday, so I'm posting it on my name day at least]


 Kai never really experienced huge troubles with long-term memory. In fact, he was able to remember a lot of memories from ages ago – which wasn't always so pleasant but what can he do?

That is unless there isn't alcohol or head trauma involved.

From the last night, he can recall this:

"Next round is on the master of fiyaaa!"

Then it's just black, some blurs and incredible pain. So imagine his surprise when he woke up in his own bed in Cole's arms. And the panic. Of course Cole was his crush, but he didn't want to have it started with zero memory and when he was under the influence.

Then again, Cole wasn't the type to start anything with drunk people, right? Or did they both get drunk? All the thinking made his head hurt more.

His gaze fell on his own body. Thank god, he had clothes on. So nothing terrible happened then, right?

What the hell happened?

"Next round is on the master of fiyaaa!" Kai yelled from the top of the table. His declaration followed an explosion of more excited yells and whoops, making the place even louder – which, apparently, was still possible.

Cole watched him from his place at the bar with an uneasy feeling. This wasn't going to end well at all, that was for sure. Kai loved parties and he loved getting drunk even more. He could never understand it, just the thought of losing his senses and control over himself terrified Cole.

Although, in the end, they both did the same thing, just in a different fashion. While Cole distanced himself with a clear mind, Kai found ways to erase it all while having some fun with company. The more Cole observed him and thought about him, it seemed that Kai was unstable in his nature – but if that was his nature, maybe he was stable, in a way. Consistent. He was a walking oxymoron.

Kai was a loner but when it came to getting attention that helped him forget things, he could become a real party animal. No one outside the monastery truly knew the master of fire but that didn't help Cole soothe the pangs of jealousy as he watched everyone fight for his attention. Cole was very well aware that they had something that could easily beat any of the drunken affection but it still made him clench his fists whenever he saw somebody blush under his fingers.

He knew Kai had eyes only for him even if neither of them would ever admit it but that just never helped calm down his irrational part that wanted to move mountains if it meant getting rid of anyone that stood in their way.

As far as Cole was aware, he has never been like this but that's not the first time Kai made him feel things he's never felt before.

And worst of it all was the fact that it wasn't the first time Cole toyed with the idea of getting drunk himself to destroy whatever blockade was between them. It almost seemed like a good idea... If they were on the same level, it wouldn't be bad, right? And maybe then they could finally get over themselves and finally, finally turn that longing into something more real than a stupid fantasy.

But it was a bad idea. He knew it was a bad idea, which is why all he could do was mindlessly spin the whiskey in his glass, barely drinking any of it.

It was tiring, how all they did was dance around each other, avoiding the moving flames. Eventually, they will have to get burnt for sure. Either that or the flame will die – was that why they were stalling? Avoiding everything in hopes that it will just blow over like a spring shower until there will be nothing to avoid, seriously?

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