🜃 | personal sunshine

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[some fluff for once...]

Cole never had huge problems with colder weather. He's gotten used to it over the years. Despite that though, he still shivered as he sat up on the bed. Perhaps it was due to the fire elemental's absence he felt so chilly. Maybe his body got used to the warmth overnight and now had issues adapting to the cool morning he woke into.

As a quick solution, Cole wrapped the blanket around his shoulders and rubbed his arms to warm up again. Then, when he's awake and warm enough, he'll go look where Kai went.

It was nothing unusual, Jay liked to say Kai woke up with the sun because of his powers, that they're just connected like that, and maybe he had a point because despite being such a night owl, Kai still managed to be a super early bird.

Which resulted in him taking naps during the day. But then again, could Cole really complain? It often meant more cuddles and who would say no to that?

The problem was when he woke up early, decided to let Cole sleep, and then left him in the cold bed alone. What good is a personal heater when he wanders off somewhere all the time?

But it was fine, Cole guessed he just went to take a shower or maybe have something to eat. It was still pretty early and the sun was still fighting to shine through.

Cole yawned and rubbed his face when the door to his room opened to reveal no other than the master of fire himself. Speak of the devil, they say.

"Ah, you're awake," he said with a growing smile. Cole's gaze landed on the mug in his hands. There was steam coming off it and despite being so far, Cole could almost feel the warmth it could give to his cold hands. Kai seemed to notice where he was looking and went to join him on the side of the bed.

"I made you some tea. The blueberry one." Even just by sitting next to him, Cole felt the warmth caress his side, but what a relief it was to feel the hot steam when Kai handed him the mug. Cole held it with both hands, wanting to absorb as much of the feeling as possible. When he yawned again, he couldn't cover his mouth.

"Thanks." It was the first thing he said since he woke up and it could be heard in his voice. Neither of them cared about something so insignificant, however. Well, maybe Kai did. He did once admit that hearing his voice in the morning was one of his most favourite things in the world. It made Cole a blushing mess that time and he didn't even need the master of fire to feel the heat on his face.

Thinking about it, perhaps it was the reason Kai often stayed in bed until Cole woke up on his own. Again, Cole could not complain because to him waking up to see the amber eyes first thing in the morning was everything. And he found himself fond of Kai's sleepy voice as well. It were those soft moments, in the dawn of the day when everything was as slow as honey flow, he lived for.

He breathed in the soft aroma before taking a sip. It wasn't steaming hot, lucky for him. He could feel the warmth spread through his insides but his arms still felt cold; they were still yet to warm up with the flow of his blood.

As if he could read his mind, Kai put a hand around his shoulders and hugged him from the side. Cole leaned his head against his and closed his eyes, breathing in the lazy blueberry scent that mixed with Kai's fresh body wash.

"My lips are still cold," Cole muttered. He felt Kai's head move but he himself didn't move an inch. He stayed still, with his eyes closed, fighting to hide the smile that tugged on the corners of his mouth.

"But you just-" Then, forced to raise his head because Kai leaned away, he allowed himself to see the smile on his face. No suppressed grin, not a small smirk, it was the toothy grin reserved for personal moments only. With his family, with him. It was the true smile of Kai Smith. He shook his head as he realised what Cole was trying to do. But he obliged anyway, leaning back in, while Cole mirrored the movement, he kissed him on the lips.

It could never compare to the warmth a cup of tea could give a person.

But maybe he was a bit biased. Oh well...

It was nice to feel warm again, he didn't even need the golden sunrays to find their way into his room through the window when he had his personal sunshine by his side.

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