🜂 | near dark

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[ a/n: i'm pretty sure i wrote this sometime at night, half asleep, thinking about lava so... take out of this whatever you want.

i have no idea dude, i just felt like thinking about some angst stuff and this is what i got...just edited it a bit before actually posting. also I'm pretty sure the title comes from some song but i cant remember which one it was(maybe this? Near Dark by Bluewerks a Arbour but i really cant remember, god knows how long was that thing sitting in my notes app)i cant really say enjoy, just... have this :D ]


Kai stumbled into a room, hitting several pieces of furniture. Their corners stabbing into his body were faint as his mind was getting foggier every second. What room was he even in? And why were there so many obstacles? Maybe it was the training room, that would make sense, right? He clutched his side but he almost didn't feel his hand as well. Was he actually holding it? He felt so light, maybe he was dreaming.

"Kai? what the fuck happened to you?"

This was wrong. Cole never swears. Not when he's with others. And even when he does, it's usually in Tagalog. Hearing Cole swear in English was probably the rarest thing in the world. Yet it wasn't enough to jumpstart Kai's blurred mind. What happened again?

Oh right, the fight.

He stumbled some more, trying to get into at least one of the bathrooms, completely forgetting he had company. He had to get to the bathroom. For what, he wasn't entirely sure yet, but it must've been important. Or it felt like it. There was definitely some stuff falling on the ground, probably Jay, he's clumsy.

"Kai! would you listen to me? What happened?"

Where the hell are bathrooms when you need one?

"Oh, for fuck's sake."


And suddenly he felt his body being turned. Not harshly, it was careful. Through the fog, he could see a pair of eyes. Yes, he liked that sight, he could stay like this for a while... But there was something off, he thought, they usually were calm, the kind of sight that would bring you to sleep with a smile on your lips. But now they were wide. Panicking. Why were they panicking?

Oh right, the fight.

Yeah, he needed to find a bathroom, that's what he wanted. No. Needed. Why did he need to get to the bathroom? He could barely make out what he was holding in his hand.

He tried to turn but the hands held his shoulders, not allowing him to move away from them. He didn't mind the touch, it's just that he needed to be somewhere.

We could do this... maybe later, though, I really need...

Kai was rather fond of the touch. He always liked Cole's touch. So comforting. He leaned in, closer to the person.

"Kai... what..." And then the eyes stopped looking into his. No, don't leave me. They widened more.

"Oh, no, no, no." The quiet murmur lulling him to sleep, maybe if he closed his eyes... "Kai, why don't you- ugh. Come on."

The hand on his back lead him to one of the bathrooms. So there they were. Good to know. His mind felt so hazy. Was this a dream? Maybe it could be a dream. A strange dream. They all are, aren't they? Strange, those dreams. No. His hand was too wet. Too red for it to be a dream. He wanted it to be a dream. But then again being with Cole always was like a dream, so it was close enough. But why was his hand so bloody red? He shuddered.


He couldn't oblige. As if he was frozen on the spot. Maybe he was. He was shuddering, after all. Then the hands pushed him softly until he felt the ledge of the bath under him.

His gi was pushed up.

"Move your hand."

Kai shook his head and used all of the strength he could find to mumble a quiet, "no."

"C'mon, Kai, I need to see the wound."


He felt tears slide down his cheeks. Was he crying? Why was he crying?

A warm thumb wiped some of the loose tears away, but they kept coming. He leaned his head into the hand, his grip fading away, his only focus on the warmth coming from coles soft hand. It was like a pillow. Oh, to be in his bed, his soft pillow under his head, just like now, that would be nice.

Cole moved his bloody hand to the side and pushed his gi up some more so he could see the bleeding wound. He hissed at the sight, his eyes filled with worry and a sprinkle of rage.

"What happened to you, Kai?"

But instead of an answer, there were more tears flowing from the red ninja's eyes as he shut his eyes close. He just wanted to sleep. That's all he wanted.

"Kai? Kai. Stay with me. I need you to stay with me, okay?"


"Fight? What fight? Kai where did you go? What happened?"

"Can we go to bed now?"

He took another look at the eyes. The beautiful, beautiful eyes. Yes, he loved the sight. It put a smile on his lips.

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