🜂 | dissipate (watch all your problems fade away)

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[this is, without the shadow of a doubt, the weirdest thing I've ever written. seriously. i do not understand it, i do not know where it's coming from. what i do know is that ive read roxy by neal and jarrod shusterman in almost a day and this particular onesie is probably heavily affected by it. in a way. so maybe that's where it's coming from... anyway, this is a part two, enjoy.]


“It appears there were some strong hallucinogens mixed in but that's all as far as we know. It's a strange substance and we're having hard time depicting all of it.”

“But he'll be fine, right?”

“It doesn't seem that he shouldn't be. I would compare it to having a bad trip. Once it gets out of his system, Kai should be back to normal.”

“I'm concerned about the amount he inhaled.”

“And you're certain no one else did as well?”

“No. Kai was the only one hit. And we all had our hoods on. No one feels weird, right?”

There sounded a chorus of no's.

“Let's just let him get some rest.”

“What about the… the black thing?”

“I'll look into it. But I'm not sure how helpful that will be.”

That morning, Kai woke up with a heavy chest. Perhaps just a feeling of a bad omen? Kai wasn't really superstitious but he could trust his gut sometimes. Except it was his chest... Maybe just an intense dream.

He was quick to forget about it as he went on with his day. Hygiene, breakfast (sitting next to Cole whose next step Kai never knew and it was constantly sending him on edge), training… The usual.

He would've liked to switch seats with someone but their seating was the same for years now and it just felt odd to suddenly switch it up. But each time Cole raised his hand Kai had to use all of his will not to flinch and alarm him.

"You all right, buddy?"

"Just tired." He never dared to look into his piercing eyes that seemed to rip him apart as they drilled into him. Instead, he was focusing on the food on his plate. Yet, the heaviness in his chest came back crashing and Kai had to excuse himself. Just need to get some fresh air, he said, convincing both his family, the black ninja, and himself.

It was fine, however, he can get ahead with stretching, maybe he could train on his own a little before the others join him.

And so he did. As his focus shifted to all the precise movements of his body, all the possible combinations and hits, he forgot all about his chest and he could breathe freely just like usual. As if his sweat washed it all away.

Waves on a beach. Sand. Small. Insignificant.

"Didn't I say he'll be here?" The others joined him, ready to train and go on with their routine. Sometimes Wu let them do their thing, some other times, like today, he took control over the training. They were supposed to pair up and spar. Jay didn't hesitate to go join Zane and Nya went right away to Lloyd, as if they had agreed to it before. With that, Kai knew who his opponent will be and he refused to turn and face him. How could they do this to him?

"Guess it's just me and you again. Ready for a rematch?" Cole said from behind him, his voice as carefree as ever with a hint of competitiveness in it. Kai turned his head slightly, just to have his shadow in his field of view. "If I remember correctly, last time I totally crushed you."

He had to turn. He had to face him and pretend everything was fine because that was what he was supposed to do, right? Otherwise there will be mote questions and questions made Kai's chest heavy. But through the vicious scowl on the earth ninja's face, Kai couldn't see the kind smile with a playful tinkle in his eyes. They were overcast with that shadow that haunted him. This couldn't possibly be his Cole, how come no one else saw it?

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