🜂 | I'd catch you if you fall

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[umm... dragons rising spoiler ig? im just using all we know so far as an inspiration but yeah... if you want to avoid news about the next season (or show? I'm still confused) you should probably skip this one or ignore i said anything and just pretend its an au lol]


Everything happened all at once no one could even comprehend it.

It was another day, like tons of others. Just a normal day, that's how it always starts like, right?

Until the ground started shaking. At first, everyone looked at Cole but even when the earth ninja just shrugged, letting them know he wasn't behind the sudden earthquake, no one was fazed. That was until its intensity of it began increasing and eventually no one could remain standing on their feet.

"I don't understand, none of the sensors warned about an earthquake risk!" yelled Zane. Everyone was forced to raise their voice to be heard over the rumbling.

"It's nature, it can be unexpected," Jay exclaimed, trying to keep any more worries from sprouting in anyone's mind.

"Everybody hide! Let's just wait it out, we can't do anything about it anyway, right?" Lloyd looked over at Cole again after ordering others. The earth ninja tried to focus on his element but with the shaking it was even more difficult than usual. And even then, there didn't seem to be any result, so he shook his head, making Lloyd look away.

But the ground underneath them didn't appear to be settling back down any second. In fact, it was becoming worse and worse. Things were falling, the monastery's walls were slowly giving out...

And the sky seemed to glow in different colours.

The first to notice was Jay, who pointed at the sky and screamed something no one could understand anymore because everything was just too loud. As if their world was a map somebody was tearing apart, cracks began appearing not only on the ground but on the sky as well.

Noticing the tear between him and Cole, Kai attempted to crawl towards the black ninja before the rift could get too wide for him to get over. Cole saw him, and reached out with his hand, leaning over the crack as far as he could.

But, whatever it was, was against them and the power strengthened and the ground was pulling away faster and faster and Kai's fingers brushed against Cole's but their hands missed each other. Panic took over him and he frantically waved his hand around, trying to catch Cole.

Kai's breath quickened as he watched the black ninja be pulled away from him. He looked behind himself only to see a bright light that seemed eager to swallow him. He didn't want to be swallowed by the light. He didn't want to be ripped away from Cole's arms.

"Cole!" the fire ninja cried, as if that was going to change anything about their quickly declining situation.


Neither of them could do anything. They were too far away. Everyone was too far away. And Kai was floating, being sucked up from the ground of what used to be their monastery to the blinding light that enveloped him until all he saw was white.

And everything went still.


It was so quiet.

He couldn't even hear the thumping of his own heart.

"Ahh!" echoed the shriek. A thud followed and the fire ninja fell face flat on the ground. Dust flew up, into his nose, mouth and eyes and he began coughing, crying and sneezing as it irritated his body. Then pain took over and his body stopped trashing around.


Wherever he was, it was still quiet, but not as much as in the light. The wind could be heard, some distinct probably animal sounds could be heard as well. He was somewhere but where?

As an unsettling feeling settled in Kai's gut, he shot up (as fast as he was able due to all the pain he was experiencing) and looked around. His throat, as well as chest, tightened. He could not recognise the scenery around him. It was unlike anything he has ever seen before.

And there was nothing and no one familiar.

"Cole?" he tried calling out, the image of his boyfriend still fresh in front of his eyes. But no answer came.



"Zane, Jay, Pixal, Wu!" His very own heavy pants and cries filled his ears.


He felt like crying. No, scratch that, he was crying.

"Where the fuck am I?" the red ninja muttered under his breath, turning around in hopes of finding anything, or anyone, that would remind him of what he was used to know. Unfortunately for him, the place didn't change and no person appeared next to him. His home was gone.

Well, except for the debris that travelled with him.

"Cole...?" His voice was quiet. Not that there was someone to hear him. Not that there was Cole to hear him.

And yet, he still could see the hand reaching out to him. The hand, whose fingers he brushed like a spring's breeze before he was sucked into the unknown.

And the master of fire was all alone, all on his own, with no idea of where his path took him.


[holy shit, is that the umbrella academy season 2 reference??]

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