🜂 | A Birthday Gift Like No Other

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Cole was sitting on the floor, next to a fridge. Resting in his lap was a plate with two slices of a chocolate cake, one of them already missing small bits. He was just about to take another bite when all of a sudden the room lit up. Cole raised his gaze, his eyes wide in surprise, his hand holding the fork frozen in one spot - right in front of his opened mouth.

His eyes met with a pair of amber ones, belonging to no other than the birthday boy himself, the famous master of fire, Kai.

Observing him, Cole found out the source of the light. The red ninja was holding up one of his hands, surrounded by a small fireball. Its swaying moves were making the light shake all around the room.

"Are you eating my cake?" Kai teased accusingly, a smirk playing on his lips. Cole finally got out of his initial shock and put his hand down.

"I was hungry!" he defended himself. "And besides, this cake is delicious!" Kai's smirk turned into a less teasing smile.Kai watched Cole leave, his mouth slightly agape, a light blush making its way onto his cheeks.

"Of course it's delicious," he answered. "Zane made it, after all."

The 'newcomer' looked around, then headed for a cupboard. After some shuffling and ruffling, Cole saw a bunch of candles in his free hand. Kai put them around the spot and one by one he lit them up with his flame. When he was done and presumably fascinated with his work, Kai sat down next to Cole and made himself comfortable. Cole turned his head to him and raised his brows.

"You do know you could've just turned on the lights, right?" he asked.

"I didn't want to disturb anyone," said Kai with a shrug. Then, with another smug face, he added, "And also fire is way better than electricity, so." Cole snorted quietly at his response. Typical. But he adored it.

Kai scooted over a bit closer to Cole and reached for the fork that was lying idly in his hand, declaring,

"Now, stop being greedy and share, it's mine anyway."

Cole obeyed to his demand and moved the plate in between them, so it sat on each of their legs. Kai took hold of the fork and took a bite. From that time on, they switched the fork and ate the cake together, neither bothered to get up for another utensil.

Their idyllic silence didn't last for too long. Kai broke it almost immediately

"So, what are you doing awake?"

"As I said, I was hungry." Cole shrugged. "And I just couldn't sleep, is all." Kai nodded and hummed almost absent-mindedly. The slice of cake was slowly but surely dwindling, being eaten faster now, that there were two of them. Cole watched Kai take another bite before he asked as well.

"What are you doing awake?" A small grin appeared on Kai's mouth, as he was still seemingly in some sort of a thought.

"Just wanted to enjoy as much of my day as I could," he explained. Looking up from the cake, his eyes met Cole's. "But yeah, I couldn't sleep either. I'm feeling rather jittery, you know?" This time it was Cole who nodded. Kai felt a tiny bit bummed when Cole tore his gaze away. He enjoyed looking into the two-colored eyes. He enjoyed the way they looked back. It felt like staring into space at times. Like two endless seas of wonder, deep as the ocean itself. There was something hypnotic about them, Kai couldn't help it.

Cole poked the cake with the fork but didn't seem like taking a bite anytime soon. Moreso he was just keeping himself busy (and most likely giving himself something to look at).

After his attempts to resume the eye contact proved unsuccessful, Kai shifted his gaze to one of the lit candles, its tiny flame jumping up and down. It almost seemed as if it danced to a song inaudible to them. He sighed, when Cole caught his attention again.

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