🜃 | Sweet Child O' Mine

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[some cole and nya siblings-ism for the folks, sorry its not lava, i have no other place to post these to...]
[i was THIS close to make this an angsty flashback because seabound has me in a chokehold still]

Give it to Jay and Kai to take millennia to get ready and meet them at the designated spot. As if Cole and Nya had no idea what they were getting themselves into when they decided to split like this, now they had to wait at the beach like a couple of lost seagulls. That's what you get for forgetting such a crucial detail like how the two get when paired up.

Nya might not radiate off heat like her fireball of a brother, but the clouds sure looked stormier than the forecast promised.

Bored out of his mind, Cole picked up a pebble peeking from the sand and threw it into the water. Then did so a few more times because there was not much to do anyway and, to be honest, watching the water splash into the air was kind of fun. It sparked a few memories, which in turn sparked a few ideas – finding a nicely flat pebble was not a hassle for the master of earth, then it was just a question of remembering the right technique.

Although, he was a little rusty, his pebbles weren't quite the jumpers they used to be. No reason to stop, however.

Nya could not ignore the splashing sounds, as much as she wanted to. She wanted to tap her foot and kick the sand and send telepathic curses to the two slow idiots. Eventually, she gave into her curiosity, she did turn around to look what the hell was Cole up to. Watching him skip stones was painful, as he was terrible at it. Definitely worse than Nya. Her hand was forced, it was not out of her natural competitiveness, it was just to show him how it's done, set order into the disaster.

While she could not see his face, from his posture it was clear she surprised him. A proud smirk made its way onto her face, even though it was probably because she pulled him out of his zone. Cole glanced her way, then got himself a new pebble and tried to outdo her. Now he can put in some effort?

Nya retaliated, then Cole, then Nya again... Soon enough, the two ninja found themselves absorbed in the competition and unfortunately, their results were rather tied. Stare-off wasn't enough to settle the score, they needed a clear winner.

Cole was an honest guy, he had no problem following rules and he was a preacher of fair play. As long as it played into his cards. So what if he used a little something called elemental powers?

"You!" Although he did manage to forget how terrifying the Smiths could get at times. Oh well, what's life without a little adrenaline rush?

"What?" He blinked at her.

"Your innocent eyes won't work on me, I saw what you did!"

"No idea what you're talking about, Nya."

Since burning him with her eyes didn't work, she took a deep breath to cool down, picked up another pebble, threw it across the water surface. Ir was pure coincidence that the water seemed to refuse to let the stone sink.

"Hey!" Cole exclaimed and whipped around to her to argue but Nya hit him back with the same dumb act. "You're on, Smith Junior."

However, his attempt at a proper, clean game was ruined by the water-controlling cheater by his side, who sank his stone with a wave that defied the laws of physics for sure.

"What a shame," she sighed, tilting her head to the side to give the sea a pouty look. Of course it lasted merely a second. "My turn!"

But her stone got shot down by a different one. They didn't even take turns anymore, the calming activity out of boredom turned into a vicious fight for the crown. The two adult world saviours kept pushing and punching each other, tugging and pulling at their nice clothes and styled hair, overdoing it with their powers to skip a small pebble across the unsteady sea. At some point, even the pebbles were left forgotten. Cole tried to bury Nya in the sand so she could not reach him anymore and land more punches, Nya used the sea as an extension of her hands and did so anyway.

"Just admit you're a loser!" She yelled, voice strained as she tried to haul Cole in the air and keep him there at bay.

"You admit it yourself!" Cole yelled back, struggling to keep the sand tentacles in the right shape to push her around and make her lose concentration.

It was only a matter of time before Kai and Jay would arrive at the scene to find the more rational part of their quartet fighting to death.

There was a huge splash as they both stopped using their powers once they noticed the eyes on them, a few piles of sand were left dormant by Nya's feet. Four deers caught in headlights stared at one another in silence, no one quite sure how to break the silence.

"Uh... Nya? You, uh, got a little sand on you," Jay peeped, vaguely pointing in her general direction. "All over..."

Kai's face morphed from one emotion to another as he contemplated what to say and how. One moment he seemed ready to burst into laughter, the next he could equal to a stormy sky. Then he gave up, turned around and walked away, muttering about just having the dinner alone because no one in the family had any sense of class.

Jay was unusually quiet, on the fence about his next plan of action. Go after Kai? Try to get out of the two what in the world prompted them to attempt to murder each other? Go to bed and live with the conviction that this was just a dream?

Meanwhile Cole didn't waste a second, he turned to Nya and mused, "Bet I can get cleaned up faster than you." He could not fight back his smile. Rather than the competitive spirit, it was provoking Nya that brought him the childish, giddy joy he would never admit to anyone out loud.

Not even bothering to respond, Nya darted, trying to knock Cole with a wave behind her to get a headstart but the master of earth was prepared. His laughter echoed down the beach as he ran past Nya, who fell face-flat into the sand.

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