New friend

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Matt's pov:

I watched as Chris and y/n were having fun at the pool.
Nathan: "Why do you keep looking at them."
Matt: "Huh, what? Oh, nothing. I'm just happy for Chris."
Nathan: "Oh, okay?"
Matt: "I heard there are smoothies inside want one?"
Nathan: "Sure, give me whatever looks good."
Matt: "Alright."

I headed inside as I was going through my phone.
That's when I bumped into someone...
Girl: "Ahh."
Matt: "Oh shit!"
She spilled her drink...
Girl: "I'm sorry."
Matt: "No I'm sorry! I should have been looking where I was going."
Girl: "It's okay!"
She gives me a smile as she picks up her cup, from the ground, throwing it away in the trash...
Matt: "Hey let me buy you another drink."
Girl: "No it's really not that big of a deal-"
Matt: "No I insist! Please?"
Girl: "I- ugh okay fine!"
I walk over to the counter buying her another drink as I also order for me and Nathan...
Matt: "I'm Matt by the way..."
Girl: "I'm Isabella, but you can call me Izzie!"
Matt: "I like your bracelet, Izzie!"
Izzie: "Thanks I made it myself!"
Matt: "No shit! You gotta make me one too!"
She laughs...
Izzie: "Sure!"

We talked for a while laughing and getting to know each other...

Worker: "Order for Matt!?"
Matt: "Oh right here! Thank you!"
I grabbed the drinks and handed Izzie her drink.
Izzie: "So, you here with anyone?"
Matt: "Uh yeah. My brothers and my friends. How about you?"
Izzie: "I was supposed to go with my best friend, but she cancelled at the last minute. Ugh she always does this when we have plans, but I don't say anything because I'm too nice."
Matt: "Aww I'm sorry. If you want you can hang out with me and my brothers!"
Izzie: "Really? That would be great!"
Matt: "Of course!"

Me and Izzie walked over to my friend Nathan, and I handed him his drink....
Nathan: "dude this shit looks so good. What's in it."
Matt: "To be honest I have no idea."
Nathan takes a sip of his drink...
Nathan: "Holy shit that's good"
Matt: "Your welcome!"
Nathan: "Uh who's she?"
Matt: "Oh right. Nathan this is Izzie!"
Izzie: "Hi!"
Nathan: "Sup!"
Nathan says looking her up and down and grinning.
Matt: "Dude what the fuck."
I whispered to him.
Nathan: "What? Shes hot! Unless she's yours?"
Nathan whispers back.
Matt: "Shut up! Me and Izzie are going to hang out in the pool see ya."
Nathan: "Aye don't leave me!"


y/n's pov:

Me and Chris headed back to the pool...
Matt: "Hey guys, I've been looking for you!"
Chris: "What's up?"
Matt: "Oh I just wanted you guys to meet Izzie!"
Izzie: "Hey!"
Matt: "Izzie this is Chris and his girlfriend y/n!"
Chris: "Hi."
y/n: "Hi Izzie!"
Izzie: "wait are you guys twins?"
Chris: "Oh no, triplets!"
Izzie: "Oh that's so cool! Where is the other one-"
Matt: "He died."
We all look at Matt...
Chris: "WHAT THE FUCK!? No, he didn't die!! He is somewhere here; his name is Nick! Matt, why did you say that you're such an idiot."
Matt: "I don't know lol."
We all burst out laughing...

Nick: "What are you guys laughing at?"
Nick sneaks up behind up.
Chris, Matt, y/n: "AHHH"
Izzie: "Oh you must be Nick!"
Nick: "Uh hi! Who are you? Wait, don't tell me we've met, and I just forgot your name. Shit I'm so sorry!" 
Matt: "No you haven't met her! This is Izzie!"
Izzie: "Hello!"
Nick: "aww hi! OMG YOUR BRACELET! Where did you get it from?"
Izzie: "Oh I made it!"
Nick: "Please make me one!"
y/n: "Oh my god me too! Oh, shit we should get matching ones with Izzie!"
Nick gasps...
Nick: "YESSSS!!"
Chris: "I want one too!!!"
Izzie laughs.
Izzie: "I'll make all of you guys one!"
y/n, Nick, Chris, Matt: "YAAYY!"

Matt: "So are we getting in the pool or not?"
Nick: "Hell yeah!!"
Chris: "Last one in is a rotten bird."
Nick: "STOOOP!"
They all jump but me and Izzie didn't...
y/n: "so childish."
Izzie laughs.
Izzie: "Well, I guess you're the rotten bird."
She jumps in...
y/n: "HEYYY!"
I jump in after.

Nick: "HAHA y/n is the rotten bird!!"
Chris: "it's okay y/n, don't be sad! I'll still love you even if you're a rotten bird!"
y/n: "I'm not even sad and ew."

We all laugh while having a good time.
Me and Izzie talked and got to know each other.
I liked Izzie she was so fun to hang out with.


Izzie's pov:

Me and y/n talked as the triplet played around in the water...

y/n: "I see you eyeing Matt hehe!!"
Izzie: "No it's not like that!! Plus, we just met!"
y/n: "When I first met Chris I immediately fell in love."
Izzie: "I've never even been in a relationship."
y/n: "You gotta choose wisely, you don't wanna end up dating a guy that treats you bad! OR GIRL! Shit I don't wanna assume your sexuality!!"
Izzie: "Don't worry you didn't, 100 percent straight."
We laugh...
Izzie: "You're so funny! I like hanging out with you!"
y/n: "Awww I like hanging out with you too!"

The triplets swam towards us.
Chris put his arm around y/n, Nick was in front of me, and Matt was beside me...
Nick: "The sun's about to set and I'm starving! Can we go eat."
Matt: "Sure! Izzie wanna come with us?"
Izzie: "Yeah!"


Matt's pov:

We all got out of the pool and went into the locker room to get changed...
Nick: "Sooo..."
Matt: "What?"
Nick: "Izzie huh?"
Matt: "What no-"
Chris: "I saw the way you looked at her. Don't deny!"
Matt: "No I-"
Nick: "Come on Matt you can tell us! This can be our triplet secret!"
Matt: "I mean... I guess she's fun to hang out with...."
Chris: "Matty has a crush!"
Matt: "Dude shut up."
Nick: "I don't blame you, Matt! She is very pretty. If I was straight, I'd totally have a crush on her, and Alahna, and Maddie, and y/n..."
Chris: "You tryin steal my girl Nick, HUH?!!!"
Nick: "WHAT IF I AM HUH?!!"
Chris and Nick play fight.
Chris: "Nuh uh you did not! GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE!"
Chris punches Nick...
Nick: "OWW that really hurt!! ARGGH CHRIS YOU PIECE OF SHIT!!!
Nick starts chasing Chris around the locker room...


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