Chapter 7

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~Unknown POV~

He was getting closer, he could feel it. Soon he would take over the two strongest packs in the world and they would be his. This was more than just a quest for power though, he wanted revenge on the whole werewolf world. They betrayed him and then cast him out for no reason and more than anything he wanted revenge on alpha George. He was the one who betrayed him the most and cost him what was most dear to him so he would return the favor. He had learned from his informants that George had a daughter who was unmarked. How would George feel if he of all people stole his daughter and marked her as his own, crushed her spirit and made her submit to him in every way? His eyes turned black as his wolf agreed with his plan. He sat down and started to come up with some plans to capture the daughter of a mate killer.

~Mark POV~

They were invited to stay for dinner and he was pissed his father accepted. Mark couldn't keep his eyes off of Katelyn and his wolf was bursting with pride watching her interact with her pack members and at the same time he was hurt that she didn't spare him a glance. It was if he didn't exist. Everyone was currently outside while the alpha males prepared the food on the bbq. Katelyn was playing some game with the pups of the pack. Mark didn't know what it was but it involved a lot of running and screaming. The mothers watched on lovingly, knowing that their pups would sleep well tonight.

Aaron was also silently fuming as Fynn was watching his mate. He never took his eyes off her except to scan the surrounding area briefly. Both Mark and Aaron were too busy to notice the presence of the extra warriors and they missed the fact that Fynn wasn't looking at Katelyn like he was interested in having her but rather keeping an eye on her as a bodyguard to a charge. 

He noticed some of his pack had come over and were socializing with the Midnight pack. Carter came over to him looking concerned. Katelyn’s friend Carol walked over to Katelyn and whispered something to her and they took off a distance away from everyone. Mark glanced over at Carter now that Katelyn was out of sight.

“Hey man what’s wrong?” Mark asked.

“Carol is my mate” He said his eyes wide.

“Well congrats! Why do you look like you’re going to pee yourself?”

“I think she might reject me”

“What??? Why????” Mark said standing and growling.

“I donno, When I accidently bumped into her and felt the sparks she looked up at me and her eyes went from happy to disappointed and she ran off” Carter said sadly. “I’ve waited my whole life for my mate and now I may lose her”

“That bitch!”

Carter got up and growled at Mark his eyes flashing. “That’s my mate you’re talking about and in case you haven’t figured it out it’s your fault if she does”

Mark’s eyes went black “How is it my fault?”

“You’re the one who rejected her best friend and treated her like crap and because you’re my friend I’m automatically put in the same boat you’re in” Carter snapped back.

The wind went right out of Mark’s sail and he plopped down in a chair. Carter sat back down beside him.

“I don’t want to lose my mate” Carter said sadly.

“You won’t, fight for her. Let her know how much you have wanted her and don’t resist the pull”

“How are you doing it? Resisting the pull? Ignoring your mate? I mean it must be stronger for you alphas. I’m beta and the pull is almost impossible to ignore. I wouldn’t dream of rejecting her” Carter asked.

“Not very well, I thought I was doing the right thing, I thought she was just a nerd and that she wouldn’t be good for the pack but you should have seen her today. She was coming up with strategies to help the rogue problem, she was playing with the pups as if she was born to be a mother and she was defying everything I thought she was. Maybe I shouldn’t have judged her so quickly” Mark sighed.

They sat in silence looking over the pack. Mark felt Carter come to attention and he looked up and saw Carol approaching. She looked at Carter ignoring Mark completely.

“Can I speak with you?” She asked softly.

Carter jumped up “Of course!” and she led them off to a quiet area where they could have some privacy.

Mark looked over and saw Katelyn watching her friend with a happy sad look on her face. She looked over at Mark and her expression hardened and she turned away from him and went and climbed a tree sitting high in the branches away from everyone. He growled low seeing Fynn come over and sit down at the bottom of the tree that Katelyn had climbed. He couldn’t stop himself from walking over and standing over Fynn

“Move” He growled.

“No” Fynn responded dryly. Unlike Mark, Fynn was not a teen and he was an experienced warrior who was doing his job. He also knew about the fact that Mark and Katelyn were mates and he wanted to make the punk pay for rejecting his future Alpha female.

“She’s mine” Mark growled.

“Don’t see your mark on her, didn’t see you claim her and I don’t hear her pushing me away so no, she’s not yours”

Mark growled and punched Fynn. Fynn jumped up and knocked Mark over. Mark sensed that Fynn was strong. He smiled, excellent, he wouldn’t have to hold back. Just when the fight was getting fun he felt someone grab the back of his shirt and the next thing he knew he was thrown into a tree. He sat still for a minute as his world was spinning. He looked up to see Katelyn standing over him, her eyes switching between her and her wolf’s and they both looked pissed.

“I don’t care if you’re my mate or not, you will not lay a finger on one of my pack members again. Understood?” She growled out.

Mark jumped to his feet. The alpha in him not liking being ordered around. “I am a future alpha and male and you will not order me around” He growled.

Katelyn’s eyes flashed to her wolf’s midnight blue ones “remember whose land you stand on future alpha. This is not your territory it belongs to the midnight pack therefor your word means nothing and your status means nothing. You are a visitor and if you would like to continue to be allowed to visit I suggest you change your attitude quickly.” Nya said.

“You’re my mate which makes me the future alpha of this pack as well” Mark smirked.

“You rejected me remember? The fact that you are my mate means nothing. You rejected the mate bond so I will find another who lost their mate or who was rejected and He will get the honor of being the Alpha male of the Midnight pack. I will find someone who loves me for me, who doesn’t judge me on how I look but rather on my actions. You Mark, mean nothing to me” Nya said before walking away and giving Katelyn control back.

Mark felt his heart shatter into a million pieces and he sat back down on the ground. Aaron was howling sadly in his head.

*We’ve lost her* Mark thought sadly

*Not yet we haven’t* Aaron said

*She just said that we mean nothing to her and it was her wolf speaking not her*

*Correction she said YOU mean nothing to her. She said nothing about me. She knows that I wouldn’t reject her.*

*so there’s a chance?*

*a small one, but you’re a cocky idiot and could possibly ruin it. You’ve already managed to piss her off pretty badly and she’s a strong one.*

*I will try. I like her, she’s strong enough to stand up to me.*

*then I suggest you don’t screw this up. But I’m warning you, If you do, If you make her reject us I will never ever speak with you again and you can say good bye to your shifting ability as well.*

*I won’t, I promise*

~~~~~So I'd like to take a minute to say HI! to all my followers and thank you guys for the votes :) It took me a bit to get this chapter up but things should start moving along now in terms of plot. So I hope you enjoy :) ~~~~~~

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