Chapter 13

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Mark’s POV

Fynn came in holding an envelope.

“Alpha a courier dropped this off” He said handing over the envelope.

Alpha George took the envelope and opened it. He pulled out what looked to be a picture and froze. He leapt to his feet, his eyes going black as he shook, fighting to control his wolf. Holly rushed over and hugged her mate, she refused to look at the picture and instead focused on trying to calm down a very angry alpha.

Mark’s father got up and carefully took the picture from George. He glanced at it and handed it to Mark. Mark took the picture and looked at it. The picture was of Katelyn and some rogue. He looked at Katelyn and his eyes went straight to the mark. She was wearing the slave mark. Mark growled viciously as anger washed over him.

What’s wrong my love? Katelyn asked. Mark closed his eyes, letting Katelyn’s sweet voice fill him.

I got the picture. He replied.

Oh honey, don’t focus on that, or on the mark I wear. You are a strong alpha and we still retain the mate bond. Your mark overrides his. Kill him and you can mark me.

Who is he?

His name is Paul, he is an alpha and he seems to have taken over as alpha of the rogues. He has a huge grudge against my father. He doesn’t seem to know about you yet but there is a spy. Some guy named Logan has a mate in one of the packs.

Thank you my love, stay strong, we will come for you. We also know that he has Carol.

There is one other thing Katelyn said pausing.


He is going to try to get me pregnant to solidify the bond and force my father to hand over the pack and prevent any attempts on his life. He thinks if he gets me pregnant our bond will protect him.

I’ll keep that in mind and I will try to get to you as soon as possible. If he does though, can you protect yourself and the pup while we kill him Mark asked. His growls still filled the room and he was fighting with Aaron to stop him from taking over. Aaron didn’t like the idea of another man touching his mate or trying to get her pregnant.

I think so, Nya is not sure. I have to go, I need to pay attention to what’s going on. I love you.

I love you too and with that Mark felt her presence fade from his mind.

He blinked and looked around. Everyone seemed to be watching him and waiting to see if he had any new information.

“His name is Paul, he’s an alpha that has taken over leadership of the rogues”

Alpha George sat down heavily and pulled Holly into his lap. “I know Paul”

“Who is he?”

“He was a great alpha. He was coming over to our pack for a visit and to seek our aid as he was having a rogue problem. He sent his mate ahead to inform us and to stay with us. He thought she would be safe here. One day she went into the forest, playing some game with the pups. A single rogue had gotten past our guards and was cornering a small pup when she came across them. She shifted and fought with the rogue, she protected the pup until we got there. We killed the rogue but we were too late to save her. She gave her life, to save Katelyn’s. “

Mark frowned “Why would he target you though? Wouldn’t he go after the rogue that killed his mate?”

“He blamed us, said it was our fault as we were supposed to protect her. He’s right of course, we are responsible for her death as we were responsible for her safety.” Alpha George responded.

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