Chapter 3

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English Class, the next day. Katelyn's POV

“Katelyn?” Carol asked.


“I rescheduled”

“Really?” Katelyn said bouncing a little in her seat. She was excited. She had wanted to get this done before but had to reschedule do to the stupid pack BBQ.

“Yup, how does after school sound?”

“OMG you’re the best!!!” Katelyn said reaching across and hugging Carol.

“Girls settle down” The teacher said from the front of the room.

“Sorry” Both girls mumbled.

Katelyn noticed that Mark was looking back at them curiously. She smirked at him and went back to her work. He huffed and went back to staring at the front wall.

What are you going to do about him? Carol asked

You’re just going to have to wait and see Katelyn replied and winked at Carol.

You are such a bitch sometimes, I love it

That’s future alpha bitch to you Katelyn sent back grinning. So have you found you’re mate in any of the guys?

Don’t know, haven’t gotten close enough to tell really. You alpha’s may find out from looks but we mere pack members have to actually touch our mates. Carol replied.

Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll find your mate soon

I’m not rushed, I’m having more fun watching you right now

Katelyn growled playfully at her friend. The bell rang and they went off to lunch together. They sat in their usual table and Katelyn looked around the cafeteria. There was some mix of humans and werewolves sitting together and there were two popular tables. One was with the human cheerleaders and school sluts and the other was the popular wolves table. She had been asked to sit with them but she politely declined and said that they should be able to have fun and chat without the constant presence of the alpha or his daughter. They assured her that they would love to have her but she also knew they appreciated that she gave them some space.

She watched with amusement Mark, Carter and their friends walk over to the popular wolves table and tried talking to some of the hotter girls in her pack. Her and Carol laughed quietly as they were snubbed and ignored. Mark turned angrily and stomped over to a free table and sat down, his friends following.

He sent one of them to get food and he sulked with the rest. Katelyn and Carol went back to talking and out of the corner of her eyes she watched some girls from the Star pack walked over to the table and one of them whispered something into Mark’s ear and they got up and walked out of the cafeteria. A few minutes later Katelyn clenched her hands in pain, Carol’s eyes flashed black as she saw her friend in pain and knew what it meant. She put her arms around Katelyn and hugged her as tears ran down her face. She sent a message to some of the other pack members.

A few seconds later a group of large guys came over and surrounded them. Carol doubted anyone from the star pack noticed where they were seated before. Carol helped Katelyn up and one of the guys helped support her as she was almost doubled over in pain. They got her out of there without too much hassle and Carol took her into the girl’s washroom. She thanked the guys and Katelyn fell to the ground once they were inside the bathroom.

Tears running freely down her face she kept her fists clenched to stop herself from clawing at her chest to stop the stabbing red hot pain. After a few more minutes it finally stopped. Katelyn panted heavily and took the tissue that Carol handed her. She slowly got up and looked into the mirror. Her eyes were all puffy and red, she looked down at her hands and noticed that there were scratch marks and blood over them. She washed her hands and splashed water on her face.

“Great, I look like shit now” Katelyn grumbled.

“Not for long!” Carol said. She sent a message and Valorie, Lexie and Hanna came into the bathroom with makeup bags.

“Don’t worry mini Alpha we got ya” Valorie said. Katelyn smiled. Valorie was a fun popular wolf who loved sports. She was on the girls varsity hockey team. With the help of Lexie and Hanna she made it look like Katelyn hadn’t been crying. They even put on a little eye shadow giving her a smoky eye and bringing out her green eyes even more.

“Thanks guys” Katelyn said admiring their handy work in the mirror.

“you’re welcome” They answered.

“Ok now off to finish the day!” Carol said, “Besides we have an appointment to attend to after school”

“Another one?” Hanna asked

Katelyn grinned “yup! This will be the last one for a while though”

They laughed and went their separate ways. The day finished quickly with no more incidents. Carol and Katelyn raced out of school once the bell rang and went to the tattoo parlor.

They walked in and Jake grinned at them.

“Ah, my two favorite wolves come in to see me” He said smiling. Jake was a mystical tattoo artist. He did regular tattoos as well as mystical ones. The difference being that mystical tattoos were done in an old wolf language and wolf tribal. These tattoos could bring luck, strength, honor and much more to the wolf that got one. Not every wolf could though. Jake was given a gift to do these tattoos and the wolf gods told him which wolves deserved their blessing. Katelyn deserved their blessing and she was honored when he told her that he had designed a tattoo the wolf gods said was hers. She made an appointment as soon as he told her and today she would get it.

This was not Katelyn’s first tattoo of course. She had a wolf on her shoulder that was modeled after her own wolf. She had a rose wrapped around her ankle, a tree up her spine and a full moon over her left shoulder. This new one would be wrapped around her right arm near her shoulder. It would be about 3 inches wide.

“Always a pleasure to come here!” Katelyn said plopping down in the chair. She pulled off her hoody revealing her simple black tank top and Jake got to work.

Carol, Katelyn and Jake talked and laughed as she tried not to fidget anxious to see the finished work. Jake hadn’t shown her the tattoo, asking her for her to trust him and the wolf gods. Since she had received all of her tattoos from him and she had seen his work she gave him her trust. Besides he was pack.

Finally it was finished. Jake whipped off the excess ink and she looked at it in the mirror. There surrounded by an ancient wolf tribal, written in ancient wolf script was the word Strength.

****Chapter 3 is up! hope you like it! sorry if it's alittle short I will try to make the next chapter longer. Anywho Vote! comment! let me know what you think!!! I will try to have another chapter up later this week :)  Thank you all for reading!!!***

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