Chapter 15

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Mark’s POV

Mark got up the next morning and changed into a pair of old jeans and a black t-shirt. He went down into the basement where the two alphas sat looking at the rogue and the traitor. Both were in the same room and tied to chairs.

“Valorie, How could you betray your pack?” Alpha George said.

“He’s my mate, I would do anything for him” She said sadly. “He wanted information so I gave it to him”

“do you know the penalty for betraying your pack and alphas?” He asked.


Alpha George shook his head sadly “No, the penalty is death”

“No! you can’t kill her! I’ll fight you first!” The rogue growled as he pulled at his bonds.

“Why are you so angry? It’s your fault she’s facing the death penalty” Mark commented as he leaned against a far wall.

“How is it my fault?” The rogue growled.

“You got her to betray her pack and mate, you failed as her mate and protector. If it were not for you she would not be down here in a dungeon” Mark snapped.

“it’s his fault for killing Alpha Paul’s mate” the rogue growled “He’s a mate killer!”

“you’re wrong, Rogues like yourself killed Paul’s mate. Not me. I tried to protect her, I even gave her rules and guidelines to follow so she would be safe. She broke those rules and put not only herself in danger but the pups in this pack in danger when she decided to play with them in the forest. She died protecting one of those pups.” Alpha George responded

“you’re lying!”

“I’m not lying but you can believe what you want to believe. It would seem that you’re more inclined to believe a pup stealing, mate stealing rapist” Alpha George snapped, his eyes almost glowing as his wolf came close to the surface.

“Alpha Paul is not a pup or mate stealing rapist. The girl he took was of age and it’s only fair you pay him back for the loss of his mate and the girl was unmarked”

“The girl is MY mate and she was unmarked because we were early on in the mating process. Also she was marked with the slave mark meaning he can take her without her consent, she is forced to do what he says. That constitutes rape don’t you think?” Mark growled.

“I didn’t know she had a mate, and Alpha Paul wouldn’t have taken her if he knew.”

“That doesn’t matter! He took two females, BOTH of whom have mates. Every wolf born has a mate out there and Paul doesn’t have a right to any of them! No wolf has a right to mark a female that’s not his.” Mark said stepping towards to rogue.

“So he’s supposed to stay alone forever? How is that right when he killed Alpha Paul’s mate” The rogue snapped back.

“If he had proven himself a good, caring leader one who was able to get past the death of his mate he may have been granted a new mate.” Alpha George said softly.

“What do you mean?” The rogue asked.

“When a mate dies it’s a horrible thing, and it means that wolf will be alone forever, but if a wolf can prove themselves worthy of another mate then they may be given a second chance mate. It’s rare but it has happened before and Paul knew that it was a possibility.” Alpha Liam explained.

“So Alpha Paul may have another mate out there?” The rogue asked cautiously.

“not anymore, he marked another. He took something that didn’t belong to him. He has not proved himself worthy of another mate.” Alpha Liam responded.

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