Chapter 1

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“Katelyn! Get your butt out of bed! You have to go to school!” Katelyn’s mom Holly yelled from downstairs.

Katelyn groaned and looked at the clock. “Holy shit! Coming!” She yelled. Katelyn grabbed jeans, a tank top and a black hoody and jumped into the shower. 15 minutes later she was downstairs at the kitchen table. Holly laughed.

“I think you beat your record hunny”

“I try” Katelyn said laughing as her mom set down her plate of toast and eggs. “sooo…mom, is dad going to be home tonight?”

“No, he’s going to be welcoming the new pack. Remember the pack barbeque is tonight to welcome our new neighbors” Holly replied.

“dang, that’s tonight?”

“yes, and yes you have to be there…why are you worried about when your father will be home?” Holly asked glancing at her.

“ugh, no reason.” There was a honk from outside. “oh shoot mom, would love to stay and chat but Carol is here! Gotta go!” Katelyn kissed her mom on the cheek and raced outa the house into her best friend’s car.

“So we good for tonight?” Carol asked as they made their way to school.

“Na, I forgot about the pack bbq tonight to welcome the star pack. We’ll have to reschedule. In fact can you do that for me?” Katelyn asked,

“sure no prob.” Carol replied. Katelyn smiled at her friend. Carol was 5’8, jet black hair and brown eyes. She was beautiful and at the moment mateless, though Katelyn knew she wanted to find her mate soon.

Katelyn was 5’3, soft brown hair, and piercing green eyes. She hated mornings and was a complete nerd at school. The only thing she was missing was the glasses.  Katelyn could have been one of the hot preppy chicks if she had decided to dress showing everything but that wasn’t her style.

They pulled into the parking lot and there were a bunch of students meandering about. Katelyn saw her pack members and they discretely nodded at her. She had a deal with her pack mate, she didn’t want to be the daughter of the alpha at school. She wanted people to make friends outside of the pack and keep her identity a secret. Katelyn didn’t exactly enjoy attention. Her and Carol walked into the school. Katelyn felt her wolf moving about restlessly.

*what’s wrong?* she asked

*I don’t know…something is different.* her wolf Nya replied.

*could it be the new pack?*

*could be*

*well try to settle down, you’re making me restless* Katelyn replied.

*I’ll try*

Katelyn smiled and grabbed her books out of her locker. She could pick up the scents of several new werewolves and figured they were from star pack. Together her and Carol walked off to their English class. They sat down at the back of the class and watched the other students slowly make their way in. As the teacher started class two boys with a couple of the school sluts hanging off them walked in.

A heavenly scent reached Katelyn’s nose. It smelled of strawberries and chocolate. The larger of the two boys looked over and his sky blue eyes met hers and her stomach dropped.

*Mate!!!!!* her wolf screamed.

*great, I have a player as a mate..brilliant* Katelyn responded.

*Don’t care! Mate!*

*Calm down, we’re not desperate and we’re not going to jump him. We are the daughter of one of the most powerful alphas and we are powerful in our own right. Act like it!* Katelyn responded

*you’re right* Nya said calming down instantly. She wanted her mate yes, but she was strong and would show her mate that she was a strong wolf who could hold her own.

Katelyn discretely studied her mate as he sat down a few rows in front of her. He was tall, at least 6'10, he had dark brown hair and sky blue eyes. He was built as well. It was clear he was into sports and football. Katelyn decided to refer to him as jock, and his friend who was close in height and build she would call jock 2. Katelyn caught more of his scent and through it figured out jock was an alpha’s son, and jock 2 was a beta’s son. She turned her attention back to Mr. Haron.

“Well boys since you were late would you mind introducing yourselves.”

“I am Carter, and that’s Mark” Jock 2 said standing up. He sat down as soon as he was finished. The two sluts had sat on either side of the boys and were eyeing them like prey. Katelyn rolled her eyes.

Hey Katelyn! What do you think of the two new guys? Carol asked her through the mind link. She directed it at her so the rest of the pack wouldn’t hear.

Well the bigger Jock is my mate, and they both look like man whores she replied. Katelyn never kept anything from Carol.

Wait…he’s your mate? Dude I’m sorry. Will you reject him?

Don’t be silly, of course not. I’ve always wanted a mate. But I’m a “nerd” and he’s a man whore, I wouldn’t be surprised if he rejected me. I will let fate decide what is to happen.

Well if he does reject you we’ll make him pay

Damn right we will Katelyn sent back. She smiled. Carol really was the best friend a girl could ask for.

*don’t think that our mate will reject us! It hurts*

*I’m sorry Nya, I’m just being practical. You know me* Katelyn said smiling at her wolf.

*well try to be positive*

*no guarantees* and with that Katelyn went back to the lesson. After class Carol went off to her cooking class and Katelyn went off to Art. The rest of the day flew by and Katelyn found out she had several classes with her mate. The looks he was giving her were not encouraging however. He glared at her whenever he could and at lunch he was sitting at a table with his friends and in his lap was one of the sluts from English and there was some heavy kissing and petting going on. Katelyn didn’t care, or at least didn’t show how much it was bothering her. I mean how would you feel if your mate was shoving his tongue down a sluts throat. Carol was a great distraction however and finally the end of the day arrived.  

Katelyn and Carol were walking out to Carol’s car when jock and jock 2 stepped in front of them.

“May I speak with you?” jock aka Mark asked Katelyn.

“Sure” She replied. Mark led them into an empty classroom.

“I suppose you’ve figured out that we’re mates” Mark said


“Well as I’m sure you can probably tell that there is no way that we can be together. I need a hot model mate, not some small nerd. So I Mark Forester reject you as my mate.” Mark said smirking and waiting for her reaction.

   “ok” Katelyn replied and turned to walk out of the classroom.

“What? Did you hear what I said? I reject you!” Katelyn turned around. Her green eyes hard and cold, revealing nothing of the inner emotional storm she was going through.

“I heard you, and I said ok. What do you want? A standing ovation? Me to beg and plead for you not to reject me? Sorry I don’t do that” And with that she turned and walked out of the classroom. Her heart breaking with every step, she refused to let him see her cry or see how hurt she really was.

****So yay!! new story!! :) please vote! comment! let me know what you think :) I know I have issues with spelling and grammar and I am working on it.****

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