Chapter 19

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Mark’s POV

The next morning they all stood around the yard waiting for the council. Harry stepped out of the door and walked to the front. The rogues were still sitting in their cages and Paul was pacing restlessly.

                “a decision has been made, We have decided to take Paul to the Council holding cells, where he will be under heavy guard until the child is born. After the child is born he will be executed” Harry decided. “the rest of the council is on their way here and we will escort Paul to the cell where he’ll be held.”

                “It’s Alpha Paul! And you can’t do that! I have a right to raise my pup!” He yelled.

                “Quiet Paul” Harry ordered. “I took your alpha status away. You are an Omega so get used to it. Also it is proven that you are not only unfit to lead a pack but unfit to be a father as well. Now stand there and be quiet”

                Paul looked furious, anger flashing in his eyes as he tried to break the command over him.

                “Now we have other matters to attend to, we have 5 executions to carry out this morning.” He turned to Alpha George “do you have somewhere where we could carry those out?”

                Alpha George nodded “Yes sir, if you will follow me we have a clearing not far from here.”

                “Very well, I would like 10 warriors to stay here to guard Paul, the rest lead the rogues with us. Children under 16 will remain here with anyone who does not wish to witness what’s about to happen.” With that Harry motioned for Alpha George to lead the way.

They walked to a clearing that was used only for the purpose of an execution. It was far enough away from the house to make sure the land the children played in was not tainted.  Even the animals avoided this clearing as if they could sense what happened there.  Alpha George didn’t have to perform executions often but over the life of the pack this clearing had seen a lot of death.

As the packs made a ring around the area no one spoke, no one laughed, everyone acknowledged the seriousness of what was about to happen.  Carter stepped forward and shifted into wolf form. The first rogue was led forward.

                “Do you have any last words?” Harry asked. The rogue shook his head and looked down.

Rogue’s POV

                He couldn’t believe what he had done. He could have defied orders but he didn’t. He could have remembered his morals and values but they seemed fuzzy and distant. Ever since the loss of his mate, he was lost, angry at the world and then he met Paul. Paul seemed to have all the answers, he was a leader, an alpha that he could follow. He never stopped to think that Paul would be able to plan and kill his mate, he didn’t stop to think that Paul had been responsible. He didn’t even remember his own name…had it been Bill or Charlie?...maybe it was Greg? He would be buried nameless, as it should be.

                He had no excuses for his actions, he was just so angry at the world, at everyone that he felt that everyone should pay for his loss. It wasn’t until he was brought back to this pack, that he started to realize maybe he was wrong. Seeing women holding their children, fearful of him, seeing the men placing themselves in front of the people they loved that he realized how far he had fallen. The kicker, the thing that made him most ashamed was seeing the girl that he and the others had raped. Seeing her broken in the arms of her mate and hearing what they had done to her and how it affected her had shattered him. That’s when he decided the least he could do was to accept death with open arms, to not make excuses because there wasn’t any. The other rogues had agreed with him.

                He shifted and bowed towards Carter, submitting to the mate of the one he had hurt. He would accept death, and the punishment he would face in death and maybe, maybe he would get a chance to be reborn and make his next life better, and work to make the world a better place and maybe one day in the future, in his next life, he would be able to make it up to Carol and her mate.

                He didn’t move when Carter stalked towards him, He didn’t make a sound when Carter’s jaws clamped around his neck, and as the last of his lifeblood bled from his throat he took one last look at Carol and with his dying breath he conveyed just how sorry he was.

Mark’s Pov

                The rogues died with dignity, that was something both he and his wolf agreed on. None struggled, they all accepted death by Carter. When all the rogues had been executed their bodies were wrapped to be taken to the council grounds where they would be burned, their ashes scattered in neutral territory, no graves or markers would be written. They would be returned to nature and hopefully they would make better choices in their next life.

                The rest of the day was spent quietly. Alpha George came up to Katelyn and him.

                “I need the two of you to come with me. We have a traitor and her mate to punish.”

                Katelyn nodded. Her father had told her that Valorie was the traitor and she had thought long and hard about what she wanted to do. They stepped into the cell where Valorie and the Rogue were, still tied to chairs. Mark stepped back to watch, this was Katelyn’s thing and it was her decision on what would happen to them.

                Valorie started to speak but Katelyn held up her hand to silence her.

                “I don’t want an explanation, I know and understand why you did what you did. Though I would never make those same decisions you did and now you must face the consequences of you actions”   Katelyn said.

                “I didn’t have a choice!” She exclaimed.

                “It was my fault!” Logan (the rogue) added.

                “You did have a choice Valorie, You could have come to your alphas, you could have come to me before I was taken. We would have accepted your mate into our pack. You had a choice you just didn’t think.” Katelyn sighed, the decision she had come to clearly bothered her.

                “I have decided not to execute you both” Valorie and Logan perked up. “However, Valorie you are hereby banished from the pack. I declare you rogue, should you ever step on these lands again you will be killed.”

                “you can’t do that! What about my family??” Valorie cried.

                “You should have thought about that before you turned on your pack. As for your family I have discussed the matter with them and they agreed with my decision and they have decided among themselves to disown you. As of today you have no pack and no family, be grateful you still have your life and the life of the mate you sacrificed everything for.” Katelyn turned to walk out of the room. She stopped and turned around. “Tonight you will be led to the edge of the territory, the pack and your family will be in attendance. Once you are escorted out do not cross the line back. I do not joke or bluff when I say that we will kill you if you ever cross into our lands again. Do you understand?”

                Valorie nodded, tears running down her face.

                Logan looked at Katelyn “Thank you, thank you for our lives”

                Katelyn nodded. “Don’t waste them”

Mark walked over and led Katelyn from the cell.

                “Come on my love, we need to go relax, the rest of the council will be here soon and tonight we have to lead them to the border. For now though I want you to rest, all this stress is not good for the baby.” Mark led Katelyn to her room and lay down with her, pulling her and his pup closer.

~~~So 1 more chapter and then the epiloge :) I will do my best to get both out within the next 2 weeks. So just to get an idea now, would anyone be interested in a sequal? comment/vote and Thank you all for reading! :) ~~~~

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