Chapter 20

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9 Months Later

Katelyn’s POV

“Push!” The doctor said

“Come on baby, 1 more time” Mark said as he lay an encouraging hand on Katelyn’s back.

Katelyn pushed and felt relief as the baby came out. She fell back on the bed and closed her eyes, panting as the nurses checked over her baby. She opened her eyes as Mark came over to him, holding a small bundle in a blue blanket. He grinned down proudly at the little baby. He handed her the baby.

Katelyn took the little boy in her arms and looked down at him. The little one opened his eyes and looked up at her. She smiled softly and looked at Mark.

“Well, we know now at least”


Councilor Harry’s POV

He walked down the stars with two guards. One of the guards turned to him.

“Sir, when will the execution be carried out?”

“Tomorrow night” Harry replied.

“Why are we going down now?”

“We have to let him know the status of the son born to Alpha Katelyn, he has a right to know if the child is his or not before he is executed”

The guard nodded, clearly unhappy about Paul still being alive.

They turned stopped at the solid steel door that opened into Paul’s cell. They opened the door and Harry stepped into the room. He looked around and started panicking.

“Where the hell is he? Where the hell did he go??”

The guards rushed in and looked around, tearing apart the room.

“Sound the alarm, I want everyone looking for him.”

“Sir, should The Star and Midnight pack be warned?”

“No, let’s not worry them yet. I want our best here. Find out what happened. Contact everyone, vamps, witches, warlocks, anyone with the ability to have transported him away. Also I want a witch in here to see if she can pick up any possible traces of magic. I want the security footage for the hallways here and upstairs, I want every visitor that’s been here checked out. I want to know what happened” Harry demanded before walking out the door.

The guards nodded before 1 left to carry out the orders, the other stayed behind to guard the room.

Mark’s POV

Mark smiled down at the little baby in his arms, He looked at Katelyn “Are you ready?”

She nodded softly today they would present their son to the pack, and take over the alpha positions of their packs. It was also the day where the little one would get his name. It was customary not to name the baby until they were presented to the pack, and Katelyn had the perfect name picked out.

She followed Mark as he led the way out of their room and out of the house to the stage that had been set up outside. The packs sat down restlessly, anxious to see the baby. This was a special day for both packs and everyone was dressed for the occasion. Mark wore a black suit and Katelyn wore a forest green dress. The baby just wore a little pair of pants, a little blue shirt and was wrapped in a blue blanket. They stood on stage.

Katelyn stood center stage.

“Midnight Pack, I present to you, your future Alpha Apollo” She called out holding out the baby so all could see.

“Star pack” Mark said stepping forward. “Apollo will not be serving as your future alpha. Fear not, we will make sure that Star pack will have a future alpha.”

“We have decided that the packs will share territory and we will have two pack houses built near each other with a house built in between for Katelyn, myself and our children.”

“Apollo is not mine biologically, however make no mistake he is my son. If I hear of anyone mistreating him due to the sins of the man who provided half of his DNA that person will deal with me directly.” Mark said seriously.

“Once two alphas are ready to take over the Star pack will be moved back to the territory you occupy now and the two packs will be allies” Katelyn finished. “Midnight pack I will be honored to serve as your Alpha. Star pack, while I would love to be your official Alpha I will be unable too however I will be your alpha female unofficially. If you have any questions, concerns, or just want to talk I will be there for you. I will be doing everything your alpha female would do normally except be able to mind link with you all.”

“Same goes for me except reversed. We will serve both packs equally”

Alpha George stepped forward and Katelyn turned to him. “I, Alpha George of the Midnight pack pass down the title of Alpha to my daughter Katelyn.”

“I accept”

Alpha Liam stepped forward. “I, Alpha Liam of the Star pack pass down the title of Alpha to my son Mark”

“I accept.”

Both Katelyn and Mark closed their eyes as a light surrounded them both, Apollo was also surrounded in light as he was still held by his mother. The light faded as the titles and powers of alpha passed to them both. They turned to their packs who stood up and applauded, cheering and shouting.

Katelyn smiled and looked down at Apollo who looked up at her. Mark put his arm around her back and wrapped his other arm around Apollo. They stood in front of their packs, their son in their arms and the sun shining down on them both.

~~~ Yay! sorry for the delay! I've just started the last course I need to get my degree from university :) So the next chapter will be the epilogue :) and yes, I am setting up for a sequel so not to worry :) I'd like to thank you all once again for reading and a huge thank you to those lovely people who comment as well :) I love to read them and it helps let me know what you're thinking :) The last chapter will be up next week at some point (don't want to promise you a date because I'm not entirely sure with school an all) but I can promise you it will be up by Saturday at the latest :)  So Thank you for reading and vote/comment <3 ~~~

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