chapter 21

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Skylar's pov.

Oh gosh it's already 10am ,how can I sleep so well it might be because I spend time with him yesterday.

I was blushing all the time thinking how he made my day so good I will write it in my diary.

I took out my unicorn diary and started writing.

This day is the best day of my life ,I wish I to have him for my life.
It was very special he was like a sweet dream in my life ❤️💕.
Firstly I was not so into him but spending time with him makes me love him more than he does.
I pray to God that we may always be together.

"Sky, where are you"I received a text from Noah.
"Oh,hi I'm in my house"

Noah:are you coming
Me:yup.why wouldn't I as I was so desperate to see my love.
Noah: good.

I kept my diary In shelve and walked towards the kitchen to have something.
I was eating someone knocked at my door.
I got up from  my chair to open ,it was Noah,how come he was here he just texted me few minutes before,he didn't inform also.
It was shocking to see him at this hour so I was just standing at the door Wondering why is he here.
"Hello,can I come in??"he asked me .

"Oh,yes yes"I said quickly"actually I was eating would you mind if I take a little time?"I asked him if he is ready to wait

"Okay"he said and sat in sofa .

After eating I went to room to change my dress.

"Hmmm let's go"I said him and we both left for college.

I was walking towards class when I see Devon with kia,they were talking something.

Are they tricking me. I should be aware of it he might be playing with my feelings. They still love each other if not then why would they be together when he already has a girlfriend,shittt my mind stop overthinking.
I was telling myself  not to think anything when Noah noticed me.
"What's wrong?"he asked me caressingy my hair.
"Nothing's wrong"let's go in.

We went inside class but I was still thinking about them. Am I jealous 😭 why would I be jealous??
No I'm not mad. But it still hurts.

I was convincing myself when I see kia and Devon coming together.
Then my blood boils I felt like tearing the diary and cut all communication with him.

I will surely not talk to him, I'm jealous now.Is he doing it purposely.

He smiles at me from far after seeing me , I didn't pay attention to him.But next minute he is  sitting beside me.

I carried my bag and went to sit with Noah.

I thought he would come to me and talk to me but instead he was laughing with kia and letting her sit with him.

I too thought of forgetting it and started to talk with Noah.
"Sky, where's your mom?" He asked.
"Oh,she has gone for work I'm sure she will be happy to meet you"
Noah:oh really then I should meet her will it be okay if we go to your house after classes"

"Why not "I said him.
Finally the day is over.
"Phew,let's go"I said to Noah.
Noah:umm let's go.

We were walking down the stairs I felt pull,I turned back to see it was Enowa.
"Skyyy,why not talking to me?"she asked me .
"Let's go down and I'll talk to you"I said her .

Enowa:"who's is he?"she asked me elbowing me
"Ah he's my childhood friend fortunately now we are meeting after so many years"

They two talked for few minutes and I told to Naoh,"I'm so sorry Naoh can  you come to my house tommorow I have something with my friend"

"Okay,bye both of you" he left

Enowa and me we both were walking down when she speaks which I never wanted to hear,"skyy have you been talking to Aurora??"her question is piercing my heart Making me recall everything what happened that day.

Without any reason a drop of tear rolled down my cheeks. I felt so heavy when I tried to control my tears.
"What happened?"she asked me looking worried.
She was consoling me but you know when someone consoles I cry more I could not hold back and told everything to her.

"What?don't tell me this "she looked shocked.
"You know you deserve more better"she said to me.

And I told her about Devon too ,I told her we were dating and also about how he was behaving with me today .
I was sobbing continusly when I was thinking about everything.

Enowa: don't cryy, I will check on him if he's good for you or not,how dare this bitch Aurora and Devil Devon  make my princess cry.

We both went to our own house and it's almost a whole day I did not get any call and messages from him.

I tried to call him so many times ,he was unavailable and when he was available he did not picked up my calls. It's so frustrating and hurting I texted him: where are you,why are you not picking up my call.

He did not respond. I texted him again:did you reach home??

But no response I thought of not texting and calling him anymore.

Thanks for reading.
This chapter is becoming obvious you know just so much climax 😂
Don't worry they will be together at last.

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