3/4 of a Squad

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"At least that's a huge haul, I guess..."

Senku and Amelie sweat-dropped at the basket filled to the brim with plants in front of them.

Senku glanced back up at him, "What kind of cheat gave you that stamina?"

Amelie rested her cheek on her closed fist, "Maybe you'd have more if you'd work out, Senku."

"Shut up."

Amelie grabbed the basket to sort through the plants, dryly naming them, "Amanita virosa: poisonous. Buna shimeji: edible."

Amelie picked up a red mushroom with white spots that shouldn't have even been questioned if it was poisonous or not.

"Amanita muscaria: poisonous. Are you trying to kill us or something?" she asked with a raised brow.

Senku gave him a disapproving expression, "You can't tell this one's bad? It looks like it's right out of Mario."

Taiju scratched his head, "Eh...All of them look the same to me. Isn't a mushroom just a mushroom?"

Amelie froze and blinked at him for a few seconds before Senku rolled his eyes at the male, "Continue."

She shook her head in disbelief before naming others she grabbed, "Mugwort: edible. Monkshood..."

She glanced up at Taiju with a bewildered look.

"Who is there to kill, moron?" Senku exclaimed with exasperation.

Taiju pouted with dejection.

Amelie sighed, before sorting through a few more edible ones, "Taiju worked hard to get these and there should be enough for a feast...Good job, Teddy, thanks," Amelie kindly smiled.

Taiju's mood instantly improved at the praise while Senku practically drooled at the thought of a good meal.

Later, the meat and mushrooms were roasted and the promise of food made the boys impatient.

Taiju dug in first, happy with the food as soon as the flavor hit his tongue.

"Yum! How did you season this?"

Amelie shrugged, "It's just salt Senku pulled from the seawater."

Senku added more salt to his meal and explained further, "Humans can enjoy just about anything with a pinch of salt. It's important for pickling too."

"I personally think it's one of man's greatest discoveries," Amelie grinned before taking a bite of meat.

She almost cried in happiness.

"Thank you both, for everything!" Taiju smiled with gratefulness, "I'm going to make up for the thinking I can't do with brute force and diligence!"

Taiju essentially shoves the rest of the food in his mouth, before hurrying to his feet to grab the basket. He rushed back into the forest, excited to find more things to eat.

He can't be blamed for being motivated by food.

"Time to scavenge the other side!" he roared in determination.

"Later, man!" Amelie yelled back, before taking another bite.

Senku just waved him off, too interested in his meal.

While he was gone, the two brainy teens enjoyed their meal in blissful silence.

Excluding a few times Amelie spouted random facts out of nowhere, of course.

"Did you know that the human body can dissolve razor blades?"

"There's evidence that some animals, like sea turtles and salmon, have the ability to sense the Earth's magnetic field and can use this sense for navigation?"

Incalculable | S.Ishigami x Fem OCWhere stories live. Discover now