Incalculable Q&A

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(Questions capitalized, punctuated, etc, so autocorrect doesn't get on me while I'm on my phone)

Q: What is Amelie's sexuality? I've been kinda curious

Well, since she doesn't really understand love and romance all that well, she hasn't really cared to explore to see if her attraction wasn't limited to just males or anything. Idk. Senku-sexual ig (even though she doesn't find sexual intercourse something she wants to try)

Q1: Did Amelie have feelings for Tsukasa

Q2: Does Amelie like Tsukasa?

No, his crush is unrequited. She just has eyes and can admit he isn't ugly; her getting flustered stemmed from her not getting exposed to naked men. But in the AU, where she goes rogue, she gains feelings for him.

Q: If Amelie could have another love interest from the Kingdom of Science, who would it be?

Two (maybe 3?). Kinro, for sure, Amelie would love to break him with her free-spirited nature. And he could inspire her to tone it down more when she needs to, as well as help her care more about her life.

Ryusui. They both love adventure. He'd take her anywhere she wanted to go. She likes to build things, and so does he. She actually has some knowledge of ship builds. And they'd find themselves itching to learn more about the other. Though Amelie'd get shy from being spoiled. (I actually made a short story AU where the Stone World era doesn't exist, and they meet during her adulthood)

Gen could've also been a love interest, I suppose. But she wouldn't like someone being able to so easily read her. Gen, on the other hand, would be afraid to be wrapped around her finger.

Q: Would you write an Amelie x reader one-shot?

I mean, sure. If that's something y'all want.

Q1: Will you write seasons 2 and 3

Q2: Since you're done with this book will you write anything else?

To the first question...No, sorry. It was hard enough to get through season one, plus I'm trying to get towards the end of my fanfic era and get into my original stories era. But I do have more things in store; I have a BNHA fanfic up, and I plan to have at least another couple (or a few if I dig one out of the closet), including BTS, Assassination Classroom, and OHSHC (if I dig it up).

Q: Will we ever see Amelie again?

I love having characters do cameos in other stories, so I'm sure I'll slip her in somewhere at some point.

Q: How did she get sick?

Short version (so I don't write a whole paragraph), she caught pneumonia because of her weakened immune system.

Since this is an anime, some of the facts were bushed away for it to work, but actually, the version of pneumonia I wanted to give her would've been worse in real life, Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia. Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP) is a serious infection caused by the fungus Pneumocystis jirovecii.

That and Ruri more than likely had Tuberculosis, but for the Anime plot, she did not. And since Amelie would have made these observations of both illnesses from her basic medical knowledge, I couldn't be realistic.

Q: What would happen to Amelie after the story is over?

Not much. Ukyo dislikes her violent nature before he warms up to her. Ryusui desires her. Amelie wants to learn how to cook better, so she asks Francois to teach her...which causes competitiveness between them and Kaseki, who she prentices. But the two compromise since they teach her different things. Amelie debates on going with Amaryllis and the others but thinks she can't catch attention because she's not flirty/alluring enough. Uhhh, to not cause any spoilers, I won't mention any other plot points in detail, but at some point, she and Senku do kiss. And Amelie sort of adopts Suika as her sister, and they end up kind of growing up together in between the time skip.

Q: Other than Senku and their friends from pre-stone world, who's Amelie close to in the village?

Many people, actually. She has a bond with Kaseki through her apprenticeship, Gen due to them knowing each other before any of this happened (they're kinda like siblings, actually), Kohaku because of them both being violent queens who seriously want a break from all the testosterone, and Chrome because they find each other fascinating (Other than Kinro, she'd actually get with Chrome realistically if he and Ruri weren't canon and this wasn't a Senku-fic), plus Suika, because Amelie's wrapped around that little girl's finger. Heck, she even has a weird bond with Ginro.

Q: What's up with Senku's Gangsta Halloween?

LOL. Long story short, one Halloween, Senku got tricked into acting gang, and he wasn't gang. I'm laughing just thinking about it.

Q1: What made you want to write this book?

Q2: Does your book have a message or something for ppl?

Back when I was in my deeper Dr. Stone phase, I read a lot of his fanfic to see what others imagined for the series. I wanted to make a character that was on par with him in levels of intelligence, that wasn't a damsel in distress and could handle her own, so that's how I came up with Amelie. I have a habit of making female characters that are strong without the actual word being needed to prove it, that do things that aren't traditionally female-dominated and make them own it (sorry, I've been trying to make softer ladies lately).

Mechanics is uncommon for women, so why not go for it? Science to this day, is still uncommon for women; let's do it. I strive to make my female characters inspire others in the story to follow their dreams, even if they aren't traditional (heck, even readers if it really touches you). I like making my girls tough but emotional, because why should emotions make them weak? (Even though some of them think it does because it conflicts with the tough image they want to show.)

So yes, with all my books with a female lead, I hope to translate the message of working hard and reaching your goals, exploring yourself and who you are as a person, and accepting your flaws, because you learn as you go. Also, speak your mind, don't whisper when you want to be heard, shout.

Thank you to the few of you who asked me questions! If over time, you come up with any more, I'll return and answer them for you :)

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