Iron Sand

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   The next day, the group went down to the river, stripping down to their undergarments in search of iron sand.

They jumped off a small cliff—other than the only one who didn't want to get in, Kohaku.

Amelie swam backward, sighing as she stretched out her arms.

"This is great, I needed a break from all that sun," Amelie lifted a hand, observing her olive skin, "I'd rather not start tanning."

She heard Senku muttering about something not too far from her.

"An idea spark's been lit," she chuckled, slowly adjusting to hide in the water.

She swam in stealth, zeroing in on her target.

Senku's brows furrowed as he felt something brush against his ankle, glancing around in the water.

"What in the—?"

He shook his head, continuing his train of thought before he felt it again.

Yet again, nothing.

"Am I going crazy?"

His eyes caught a blur of dark blue, narrowing at the sight.

Just as Amelie went to turn around to mess with him again, her head gently got pulled back by her hair.

Her eyes met Senku's as he lowered to her eye level which just broke the surface.

"Hey there, IKEA."

Since her mouth was still in the water, she simply smiled, her cat-like eyes following.

He let her go, watching as she sank into the water, "What's your angle?"

She rose out of the river, running a hand through her hair, "I wanted to mess with ya'. Why else?"

"You had me thinking I was crazy for a second..."

She pumped a toned arm into the air, "Mission Accomplished, then!"

He rolled his eyes, "You don't have to sound so happy about it."

She simply shrugged, "I'm cold now. I'm gonna get out. Keep...thinking about whatever you're muttering about."

Amelie joined Kohaku in collecting sand.

"Whoa! Look at how much it collects! This suspicious black sand..." Kohaku's eyes were wide with wonder as she watched Amelie.

"I used to love magnets like that when I was a kid, too," Amelie, amused, continued collecting.

Not too long after the boys were bullying Kohaku, calling her 'Gorilla'.

The fiery girl wasn't too happy about it, considering the girls were doing all the labor. They simply relaxed on rocks, sipping on drinks.

Finally, they decided to grace them with their help. (After Amelie dragged them effortlessly and tossed them to where they were currently collecting sand.)

"S-so scary..." Chrome muttered.

"You sure you aren't a Gorilla like them, Ame?"

She raised a brow, ticked off, "Wanna find out, Senku?"

Hands raised in surrender, he busied himself with the task at hand.

There was silence for a while as everyone worked until Amelie pointed something out.

"This is going to take all damn day with just our puny kingdom of four."

"Should I get someone from our village to help out?"

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