The North Star

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"Tell me, Amelie, Senku. How do we make the cure-all medicine?" Chrome's fists clenched in enthusiasm, "We're going to defeat Ruri's sickness!"

"I'll help in any way I can if it means Ruri-nee will get better!" Kohaku quipped in with the feeling of determination running through her veins.

Amelie peered at Senku's expression from the corner of her eye with her arms crossed and her head tilted back.

Senku held a suspicious grin on his face, quite creepy.

She just sighed, "That conniving ass, leek."

Chrome looked through the circle made with his thumb and index finger, "I see what he's thinking."

"Chrome, sweetie, this isn't 'Inside Out'. You can't literally-" Amelie cut herself off with a shake of her head.

"He's planning to save Ruri as part of some sleazy scheme."

Kohaku nodded in agreement, giving the sleazy scientist a look of disapproval, "I can't decide if he's a gentleman or a slime-ball—"

Amelie lifted a finger, glancing over at the other female, "—Both. Gentleman, but undoubtedly a slime-ball all at once. Anyway, continue."

"...I guess he's just logical, but..."

The subject of conversation began to cackle in elation, rubbing his hands together.

Amelie gave him a side-long glance,"...He's like the evil version of Doc Brown. Just say it."

"The Kingdom of Science is going to be making an antibiotic," Senku began, grabbing a stick, and dragging it across the dirt to show what the drug looked like. "It's the scientific wonder drug that kills bacteria infecting a person."

Amelie nodded, "Ever since it was discovered in the twentieth century, it's saved hundreds of millions of lives," she tilted her head back and forth, weighing the information, "Penicillin and Sulfa. Sulfa drugs work by binding and inhibiting a specific enzyme–an enzyme is a protein that speeds up the rate of a specific chemical reaction in the cell–called dihydropteroate synthase or DHPS for short. That enzyme is critical for the synthesis of folate, an essential nutrient–"

The two villagers were stunned by the unexpected knowledge, they knew better than to judge her appearance now.

Senku chuckled, "–Too much for them. But, good job, yeah."

She grumbled to herself, playing off the praise.

He shifted his gaze back to the two, "We can't do blood tests. We have no idea what her disease even is. But it's worth trying anyway."

"All right, let's get on it right away!" proclaimed Chrome.

Also excited, Kohaku asked, "What do we need?"

"We're missing all kinds of stuff," Senku sweat-dropped at the anticipated stares, "Pay attention when we talk."

Senku let out an irked sigh, Amelie grabbing a spare stick as they both drew an arrow in the dirt.

"There are two routes to making antibiotics. Like Amelie started to mention–We can take the biological route and make penicillin from living things, or..."

"We can take the stone route and make sulfa drugs from rocks," Amelie shrugged.

Kohaku interrupted, "Hang on, Amelie, Senku. Living things? Rocks? How would you make medicine from those?"

Senku explained, "Penicillin, made from green mold, is the more famous one. But making penicillin in this stone world–"

"-–Would be a pain in the ass," Amelie commented.

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