Little Fires Everywhere

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"Is that watermelon mask your sorcery? Isn't that against the rules?"

All of a sudden Magma wanted to play clean.

Because Kinro is straight-laced and he knows it.

But Jasper was willing to let it go since it was an article of clothing, only for Magma to attack with a yell and shatter the mask, knocking out Kinro from the force.

The winner was Magma.

The villagers applauded the conclusion of this battle, while the Kingdom of Science was seething.

But all they had to do was beat Magma, they could do that...right?

The next round was Chrome versus Mantle.

Kohaku's round was edging closer.

Suika went to dash after her, but without her mask, her vision went two steps backward, they'd have to hope Kohaku can get back in time.

Chrome and Mantle were battling like two girly teen girls, after the fight was...interesting.

Magma wasn't too concerned until he saw Kohaku in his peripheral vision, he called out to his minion, "Mantle!"

He gave him a signal to lose at that very moment.

So by default, Chrome was the winner.

But Kohaku wasn't back yet. So Senku was the default winner of the third round.

Kohaku called out, gasping for breath after running to them.

And Suika was feeling upset for this outcome, but Kohaku assured her.

Scattered villagers assumed this meant that Magma was the winner and was Ruri's wife.

Though they had Ginro as an option, but could he stand against Magma?

"You said it yourself, Senku," Ginro chuckled, "We're gaming the hell out of this Grand Bout. The strongest isn't necessarily going to win."

Everyone turned to Ginro, whose cheeks were puffed out, "Haven't you been wondering what I've had in my mouth this whole time?"

Kohaku's realization brushed over her, "Don't tell me..."

"Isn't that the raw ingredients for Senku's science drink?" Chrome gaped.

Ginro was up against a villager named Argo.

And Ginro made the assumption that it was more effective raw...but that would end up with him getting the runs, not the result he wants to have.

Just as Chrome said something, Senku quieted him, expression full of mischief.

"If anything, it'll teach him to think twice before just grabbing things next time," Amelie shrugged, hiding her smirk.

All that caffeine caused him to sway, through when the match began, Ginro charged first.

Before his opponent could prepare, he punched them in the gut. He kept his attack going blow after blow, without ceasing.

Ginro was on fire.

More like he's totally wired and thinks the plants made him stronger.

But once the opponent had a little time, he offered furious attacks back at Ginro, a cloud of dust obscuring them from view.

And when the dust was cleared, Ginro's face was bruised and swollen enough for him to get a pinch of sympathy from his enemies.

But in his wired state, he thought he was completely fine and got back up, heading over to Argo and backing him to the edge of the cliff.

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