As There Is Always Dark and Light

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A/n: Credit to the artist. This is similar to how I visualize Amelie's dad, just imagine the image a little more aged.

"Senku! We found her! Kinro has her now."

I was relieved.

I couldn't find her anywhere, villagers would direct me but by then she'd be gone.

And by the time it'd been 20 minutes, everyone else was getting concerned. We fanned out, looking for Amelie.

But when I saw her, I was no longer relieved.

She was in Kinro's arms, limp, a burn on her arm. The closer they got, the worse I felt.

She didn't look like she was breathing.

Kinro himself looked incredibly worried, and that's when I knew it was bad.

As soon as he laid her down, I checked for breathing.


"Kinro. Do you know how long she's been like this?"

"Someone directed me to their home where she was, so it wasn't long. Two minutes? That's how long it took for me to get here."

Okay. Two minutes wasn't bad.

I go through the motions of CPR, keeping my body from shaking. I can't afford to make any mistakes. Not with her.

"Will that save her life?" Kinro questioned.

"Hopefully," I grit out.

After a round, I can't physically do anymore, out of breath.

But nothing. Not a twitch.

She's not breathing.

The thought echoes in my head.

I move to try again, but my arms are shaking. I can't do this without being steady.

But she's counting on me.

No one else can...


His already tense body jerked to attention, "Yes? Is there something I can do?"

"I'm going to show you how to help Amelie...I can't keep going. I'm going to guide you, but you need to be very careful. It's a delicate process."

"Okay," he quickly moved over to her.

I run down all the steps, "Find the point where her ribs meet–just below both halves–and interlock your fingers with both hands. Make sure you're kneeling beside her shoulders and don't lean on her. Once in position, lock your elbows and use your body's weight to compress 2 inches upon her chest. Make sure to let her chest rise after each compression..."

Once I was sure he was doing it correctly, I took a breath before giving myself space from the cot.

At the six-minute mark, brain damage is possible.

It's been four.

She can't die here.

She just can't.

We need her here–I need her here.

Didn't she make a promise to Byakuya, that'd she'd stay here with me?

Is this supposed to be some sick joke? One death scare after another?

But what if this time....?

I shudder at the thought, hugging my legs close.

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