Lions and Tarzan

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 Taiju donned a solemn face, "So, Senku, who are we going to revive first?"

"We're going to wake up everyone, eventually. What does it matter who we start with?" then he added, "Although it would suck if we woke up a murderer right off the bat."

Amelie frowned at the screen, "Why is everyone making that face?"

Senku raised a brow but never bothered to address that.

Taiju thought hard, a frown adorning his face, "I see."

The intellectual teens noted his change of mood, sharing a look, they both knew who he sought to revive.

"Do you have anyone in mind, Amelie?" Taiju looked down at her.

She pretended to think, shrugging her shoulder and tilting her head, "Nah. Can't think of anyone. Don't have anyone but you three."

"That makes sense, you always trail me like a puppy," Senku muttered.

Amelie sharply snapped her head over to him to refute, "I do not!"

"You've been gradually gravitating toward me for the last minute or so."

Amelie angry pouted and traded her gaze with the grass.

"You heard us. So, Taiju, it's your choice," he gave his attention back to the larger male.

"Thanks, Senku, Amelie. My answer is obvious," he grinned.

Amelie seized the jar of the revival fluid and the group made their way to the camphor tree where Yuzuriha had been for over 3,700 years.

Once they got there, Senku took the jar of revival fluid and prepared to bring back the last member of his group.

"The time has finally come..." Taiju let it sink in, he'd get his Yuzuriha back.

He turned to the scientist with anticipation, "That water's going to undo the petrification and revive her, right?"

Senku looked at the jar he held with a smile, "Yeah, it should."

Amelie groaned with relief, "I miss her. Being around you two for too long without another girl is almost suffocating."

But then, Senku being Senku, decided to ruin the peaceful moment, "I tried it on a piece of a shattered statue, and it turned back into a corpse," and the face he had made him look like the evil scientist that he probably was as he swirled the jar.

"Dude, you could've kept that to yourself..."Amelie replied with indifference.

Unlike Taiju, who was a lot more upset, "You're so disrespectful!"

Instead of leaving it at that, just to spite Amelie he went into more detail, "I did try putting all the pieces back together first, but it looks like you can't save someone once they're dead. They made a noble sacrifice. Send up a prayer or something."

"Right!" immediately Taiju closed his eyes and clasped his hands together while he chanted 'rest in peace' repetitively.

Amelie almost leaped up into the tree a little behind everyone, Taiju climbed so that he could be right in front of Yuzuriha, while Senku stood behind him, passing him the jar.

Before anyone could blink though, Taiju turned around with unanticipated speed and stabbed Senku's eyes with two fingers. The scientist went soaring.

"Wait, Senku! Yuzuriha's naked!" he hollered.

Amelie didn't know whether to be stunned or laugh, so she did both.

"We can't! We can't revive her like this!"

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