3) Table Tennis

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His pov :

The breakfast commenced with laughter and small talks. Priya is such a hyperactive child even in early mornings. We all eat, then me and Kajal aunty walk towards Mallika's door and I was about to knock.

"Don't knock, just open with spear key. She won't open it this early. " I just nod and take the key.
We enter and there was the living room in front, and on the couch was lying Ms. Chatterbox.

"God! Mallika wake up, have breakfast." Aunty yells. She goes and shakes her while I set up the table.

"Let me sleep yaar " She whines in a sleepy state.

"Mallika, breakfast Or no chocolates! "
And to my utter surprise she gets up and walks to the table.

"Khana lao jaldii! "
(Bring the food fast!!)
She tells me. I do as she say. Kajal aunty smiles. "Sit down guys. I'm eating alone and you guys are standing isn't looking cool, chalo have breakfast. " She orders us.

"Madam we all ate, you're only left. I'm going, eat and then sleep. Also, don't forget to call dad. " And Kajal aunty leaves.

Was I suppose to leave too?

"Do you need any special invitation? Sit down yaar. " She says.

"I need to go. " I say.

"It's too much food, eat some. " She says.

"I had my breakfast. " I say.

"Look, I fell really annoyed when somebody is standing and I'm eating, so better sit and eat with me just a few morsels. Pleassee! "

She looked like a toddler who's whining to let her toy. I sit and accompany her.

Stubborn child.

"Tell me something about your family" She suddenly says.

"Mom, dad and a sister. " I smile.

"Where do they live? " She asks.

"Dad works in agriculture department in Chandigarh, mom stays with him. My sister studies in Chandigarh University. What about you? " I reply and ask the same.

"Dad's in Pune right now, it's a transferable job, probably going to Bangalore next week. Mom's an fashion designer and is travelling with her team in Austria currently, she's a busy woman. " She says.
I wonder how she must have been born and brought up, if both parents are working.

"I see my mom once or twice an year, dad visits me every month and vice versa. Dad's been my mom, fulfilled every duty as much as possible. " She gives a sad smile.

"But when I shifted here 4 years ago, I found Kajal aunty, her family, Rohini just like me, and Sumit kaka. Family doesn't needs to be of blood everytime! Not even money matters, only love, care and time matters. " She adds.

I see why everybody loves and pampers her the most. Maybe she had been deprived of all the love in childhood.

"I'll clean the dishes. " She says and walks to the kitchen.


wasn't that so thoughtful to share with a complete stranger? I follow her and stayed near the sink where she was washing the dishes.

"Sometimes life has planned something very big for you in future that it tests you in the past and still in the present. " I say and she gives me a smile with nodding.

"Just an advice or warning, never take the love they're giving you for granted. Many don't get it. " She says.

"I know. And I promise I won't. " I assure her.

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