13) Insecurities

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Sumedh's POV :

"He's behaving weird with me too." I said and Mallika hummed probably thinking something.

After having a talk with Arjun who was all gloomy, Mallika came to me to ask about him and I started telling her his odd behaviour.

"Did something like this happen before too?" I asked but she shook her head.

"You know something?" I raised my brows.

"Arjun has very less friends. Maybe just me?" She said remembering something.

"No, he has the entire cricket team, I've seen him interacting with juniors and seniors as well plus classmates. " I said .

"You fell in the same trap like everyone." Mallika gave a faint smile.


"You see him happy all around, laughing, joking, playing means everything is fine in his life, right?" I didn't responded.

"You know why he doesn't stay with his parents even if they are in Delhi itself?"

"Because they live in South Delhi. It's far way from college. " I say.

"No. Because his parents doesn't have a good relationship." I sat there stunned.

"2 years back, when we had graduated ( under graduation) his parents were almost on the verge of getting a divorce.
Something happened so it got cancelled or resolved I don't know but they're living separately after that. "

"We humans are very strange creatures. We covet closeness, a connection, a bond everywhere we go. And when we won't get that, we feel insecure, invalid, intangible.
That's the same case with Arjun. And I can't do anything." She said finally.

"Every problem has a solution. We-

"Definitely. But Arjun himself needs to find a solution. Not me, not you. We can only help him, guide him but in the end decision is his only. I can't force him to something he can't believe."

"So, you will keep ignoring him until he gets back to his senses and find the 'ideal solution?'

"Maybe? I will talk but randomly , not in daily routine as usual. And please don't tell dad about it. He'll bother unnecessarily." I nodded.

"Kajal aunty has invited to dinner, let's go." I say and Mallika nodded and we walked out.

We entered the apartment to find everybody chatting in the living room.

"Hi." Akshay greeted us.

"Heeeloooooo!" Priya chirped.

"Heyy." Mallika hugged Priya and sat next to her. I greeted everyone and settled next to Akshay.

"Where's Rohini?" Mallika asked.

"Date with her boyfriend." Akshay rolled his eyes.

"Vivan?" Mallika asked.

"Obviously." I said to which she nodded.

"Lovesick adults." Kajal aunty said to which we all smiled.

"Any idea when will they get married?" Sumit kaka questioned.

"They're just 25 for god's sake kaka." Mallika said horrified.

"Anyways, who's the eldest amongst you all who will get married?" Praveen kaka said.

Everybody scanned each other and then all heads turned towards me.

Trouble in paradise incoming......

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