12) Troubles?

448 46 15

Mallika's POV :

"hii.." Vihan approached me when the celebration was going on. Basically, people chatting and playing with the kids in the NGO.

"Hi. Thankyou so much for coming and celebrating it for me." I smiled at him.

"Oh, it's alright Mallika. " He smiles back but not the usual one.
Is something wrong?

He was okay few mins back?

"Something wrong?" I ask

"With me or with you?" I got startled for a minute.

"Excuse me?" I say.

"Nevermind." He shrugs.

"Vihan, you can say like you always do." I say turning to him.

"I don't want to ruin your day Mallika, but does Professor Sumedh have some personal connection with you?" And I lost my breath.




He saw Sumedh wishing me and gifting me!

Ofcourse he must have, everybody saw.


Oh my god.

"It's alright. I don't mind. But you shouldn't have lied atleast." He shrugs.

"Vihan... it's just..he lives in my apartment." I say slowly.

"I know, and he's indeed special to you too."
Shit man, I didn't wanted this. Atleast not too early.

"You even called him by his name." He added.

"It's not what you're thinking-

"You lied Mallika. If you've simply told me yes you know him, he lives in your apartment and he's your fucking neighbour I would have said nothing. What do you think I could have done,nothing right?" He's going hyper.

"Vihan I didn't wan-

"Please Mallika. It's alright, I get it. I accept it I'm mad behind you, I'm still behind you fine. But not because I want to force you okay?
I want you to like me as a person first and that too willingly. I'm just doing efforts because that place is still vacant in your life. I promise once it gets filled by someone else, I'll never interfere. But I do stand a chance, I just need a chance,okay? He says in one breath.

"I didn't wanted to hurt you Vihan." I whispered.

"But you did Mallika. YOU DID. I accept I have been wrong in some way or another but lying did hurt me. I'm not saying you like him or something but he's close to you in just a few days . Keep yourself in my place and then you'll understand...K-knowing you like a person genuinely, he lied to you, ignore you like a trash, treat like nothing and then you found him with some another girl closely. Just imagine." He says frustrated.

God, where is this heading to?

"I may have been wrong, but I do never lie Mallika. If you tell me , I will walk out from your life forever . Just tell me to do so." He almost pleads.

"Vihan." I walked towards him.

"I'm sorry. But it wasn't intentional I swear." I kept a hand on his shoulder.

"It's alright. I got emotional unnecessarily. Nevermind." He shrugs

"No, it's okay. I know I sort of played with your feelings knowingly or unknowingly, I'm truly sorry. I never knew you could get hurt. And please don't say like that. Maybe I cannot like you the way you do, but I promise we can stay connected always as good friends maybe...if you want?" I hesitantly ask him.

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