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• Week's Worth of Desserts •

• Week's Worth of Desserts •

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"It may just be me, but isn't it a tad abnormal how none of us has gotten a single detention yet?" Daphne tosses her hair back, finishing up her breakfast. She sets her clasped hands on the table, cocking an eyebrow at us.

"That's a given. We execute our mischief, vanish our tracks, and never get caught. We're not Slytherins for nothing," Draco proudly states from across me.

Daphne scoffs. "Oh obviously, Draco, you know what I mean."

"No, I don't."

"I think what Daphne means is that we aren't those classic 'rich spoilt goody-two-shoes'," Blaise clarifies. "Hence why it may seem 'a tad abnormal' how we're still walking free with clean records."

"Well let's hypothetically say that one of us gets in detention," I propose, interested in Daphne's point, "who would be first?"

Blaise raises a finger up. "Theoretically, it would be Vince or Greg."

Vince and Greg looks at each other, shrug, and nod.

"Realistically, however," Blaise shifts his eyes to me, then to the boy sitting across from me, "Tia or Draco."

"Definitely her."

"Definitely him."

We slowly turn to look at each other, both narrowing our eyes. Daphne audibly sips her pumpkin juice, eyes flickering between him and me with interest.

We have a stare-off in silence for a few seconds before I abruptly slam my palm on the table.

"What do you mean me first? Don't you think it's about time for you to finally get caught for framing Gryffindors for crimes they didn't commit?"

"Well I could say the same thing about you," He retorts. "Always casting jinxes and hexes on that Mudblood and Pratty Parkinson right under McGonogall's and Snape's noses. It'll be a matter of time until you get caught."

We start throwing as many insults as we can to each other, while the others can only blink and watch.

"You'd be pinning the blame on some poor Gryffindor for a body you will bury."

"The only body I will ever bury will be the one killed by you."

"Why, thank you for doing my dirty work for me."

"You are so very welcome."

I jump up from my seat. "Well let's bet on it, then? The first to get a detention is to owe the other a week's worth of desserts!"

He pounds his fist on the table and stands up. "So be it!"


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