22 · 二十二

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• You're All My Pets •

• You're All My Pets •

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Daphne and I echo the walls with our giggles as we skip down the hall. We were snickering about how not long after Scabber's recovery from our little activity she has already landed her arse back in the the infirmary, this time being petrified like stone rather than being roasted like Moaning Myrtle's favorite burnt turkey on a Thanksgiving holiday.

"You'd think with a friend like Potter with such glorious luck, you'd get at least some of it."

"Ugh, tell me about it." Daphne takes out her deep rose shade lipstick and applies it.

"Put that thing away, Miss Greengrass."

The two of us turn around to see a certain greasy-haired Caretaker right behind us.

"This isn't Beauty Charm School," Filch sneers.

Daphne scoffs and looks him up and down. "Clearly."

He grunts then shifts his eyes to me. "This also isn't a school for foul outlanders like you."

"And neither is it for filthy, worthless squibs like you."

His eyes bulges out of its sockets, unfiltered horror painting his face. "H-how did you know that? You better not have gone through my things-"

"She has no need to pry. she has her ways." Daphne matches our signature snake smirk. "We all do."

I actually heard this rumor from my new best friend Myrtle. I was literally just bluffing. Didn't even expect it to be true.

Filch gulps. "D-don't you two tell another soul—or else-"

"Or else what? You'd hex us?" I roll my eyes. Daphne loops her arm in mine and we start to head away.

We walk halfway down the hall before Filch interrupts our footsteps. "I know what you did, Miss Young." I turn my head halfway around my shoulder. "I know what you did to my cat. To the other Muggle students. My eyes are on you."

I cut Daphne off before she could come to my defence again, "Your 'eyes are on' me?" I feign a terrified face. "Merlin, then we better notify the Aurors this instant. Wouldn't want a child predator roaming free in the halls."

Before he could retort, I slide my wand out of my sleeve and gave it a little flick in his direction. His hair from both sides whips into his face, instantly tangling themselves in front of his mouth. Somehow, nonverbal little tricks always worked brightly for me. For Blaise as well, too.

While he claws at his face to get the hair out of the way, Daphne and I take the chance to escape out of his sight, giggling as we dash our ways down the halls.

When we head down a few more hallways and slow down, Daphne sucks in a breath when Nott and his friend, Tracey Davis, passes by us. Her forest green eyes follow their moving frames, shimmering with a glint that I would classify as envy.

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