32 · 三十二

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im so ashamed to come back after literally promising people ill stick around. never trust me again because i dont even trust myself. schools tough okay. and just like tia i'm east asian irl so the parental demands for me is HIGHHH. also i have nearly no memory of what i've written and if the characters are a bit ooc, literally just turn a blind eye. heres a long asf chap that took me months to write to barely make up for the past.


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If it weren't for Blaise's insistence on having a gossip session before the match, I would not find myself standing in the corner of the Slytherin locker room filled with men that reeks. Do they not light candles in here or cast spells to freshen up the air? I'm not very sure on Daphne's sexuality, but if I could choose for myself what sexuality I'd be born with, I'd pick attraction to girls anyday over these animals.

I've already changed into my jersey, strapped on my gear, pulled my hair up, and all. I'm prepared.

"I just want to level up to my idol, at least." Draco's been chatting with Blaise for the past few minutes about players they idolize. "He wasn't the brightest in his years as a Slytherin for nothing."

"Who? That one Seeker that you were obsessed with when you were seven? Stromer, was that his name?" I ask, joining in. Only because I heard the words "brightest in his years" and "Slytherin". Maybe I can learn a thing or two.

He scoffs. "Bloody Merlin, no. Not anymore. He's all muscle and speed and no skill. My idol's my mother's cousin, you know, the one who wasn't convicted of being a serial killer and was drowned. I learned that he set the record for most-snitches-caught-by-seeker. He literally just never missed one."

Blaise pops his head in between us. "Dio mio, I reckon your talking about Regulus Black?"

"Regulus Black? He played Quidditch too?"

And I swear, over half the bloody locker-room stops their conversations, judgementally glances at me, and go back into chatting.

Blaise pulls me by my sleeve over to his locker. "Tia, if you're going to stay on the team, then you better get yourself educated." He opens the door to reveal a black and white photo of a man—a handsome one—maybe a few years older than us.

"I'm actually quite concerned why you have a picture of my dead family member in your locker."

"Shut it, Draco." Blaise points to the picture. "This is Regulus Black. Look at this man. Absolutely gorgeous. Can't even believe he shares blood with Draco."

"Hey, I'm handsome too."

"Continue, Blaise," I say, and I notice Draco's jaw drop from the corner of my eye.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2023 ⏰

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