immortal children ⸻ 004

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A few days passed ever since the Irena incident. Mom didn't speak of it much but I could tell it worried the family a little.

They didn't tell Reneesme and I much, Dad saying not to worry about it. Instead, they took our measurements and now I physically looked like a teenager.

"She's growing at a rate we can't stop," Grandpa told Mom and Dad, "Faster than Reneesme."

"Well what does that mean?" Mom asked fearfully, holding me close to her.

"It means we'll just have to see," Grandpa sighed. "Their growth is extraordinary. I've never seen anything like it. But of course, there could be multiple factors. We won't know much until it stops."

There was silence in the room and I could tell it pained my parents to hear that.

Nessie and I were worried too, but it was too soon to tell anything. Like grandpa said, we just to wait.

To get our minds off of the situation, Dad grabbed Nessie and I and tried to teach us how to play piano again.

I wasn't too terrible, but Nessie was the real star. I smiled softly as she played, sitting between me and Dad. The others watched and I hit the notes when it was my turn, Nessie and I making a beautiful melody.

We were just about to hit the high note when suddenly there was a crash.

I jumped, yelping as Aunt Alice dropped the flower vase she was holding. Her face was spaced out; she was having a vision.

"What is it?" Uncle Jasper was by her side in an instant and I perked up, wondering what was wrong.

"The Volturi are coming," Alice gasped, utter terror in her voice. "Aro, Marcus, the guard," Her eyes flickered to me as she said that, "They're all coming for us?"


We were up in an instant. Mom grabbed Nessie and I fearfully, clinging for dear life.

"Did you see why?" Grandpa asked, leaning forward.

Aunt Alice was silent. But Dad spoke up for her, reading her thoughts.

"Of course," His hands gripped the piano. "Irena."

"What happened with Irena?" Grandma asked.

"W-We saw her in the clearing the other day," Mom started.

"Ness was catching snowflakes," Jacob said.

"Something was wrong though. She took off as soon as she saw the twins."

"The Volturi think that Reneesme and Nadine are immortal children," Dad revealed. "Irena told them what she saw. That's why she's coming."

The atmosphere immediately got chilly. Shiver ran down my spine. What were immortal children, and who were the Volturi?

Grandpa had to take us to his study to explain. Mom wanted Reneesme and I to go play, not wanting us to hear. But I pleaded with her and Aunt Alice backed me up, saying there was something else important she saw that involved me.

Nessie gave me a look before going to her room.

'I'll tell you everything,' I promised, before entering the study.

I took a seat on Mom's lap as Grandpa explained.

"Immortal children were very beautiful, and alluring. To be near them was to love them, but their mental state was frozen at the age they were changed. A single tantrum could wipe out an entire village. And because they never developed, they couldn't be trusted to keep our secret."

Grandpa then went on to explain the story of Irena's mother, who created one. She and the child were destroyed by the Volturi, a coven that ruled and governed us all.

I grew more and terrified as they went on. If they came, would they kill us? Would they kill me, because I was more vampire than human?

"No," Dad spoke up lowly while Grandpa was still talking, "I won't let them hurt my family."

"I'm scared, Dad," I admitted, cuddling into his side.

"You have nothing to be afraid of," He reassured me. The look that Aunt Alice gave me was one that convinced me otherwise.

When we were done, I was still shaking slightly. All I wanted to do was lay down and process all of the information, but Aunt Alice still needed to talk with me, Mom and Dad.

"The day of the battle something is going to happen to Nadine," Alice said fearfully.

Mom and Dad shared a worried a look.

"What is it Alice? What else did you see about Nadine?" Mom asked.

Alice sighed. And beside me, Dad tensed up, a low growl leaving his lips.

"Alice, no! I won't let my daughter near that scum," He growled, wrapping an arm around me.

I was confused, who was he talking about?

"Edward I'm sorry," Alice gave him a look of pure apology. "Once Caius gets a whiff of her scent you can't stop it. He'll never stop looking for her."

Wait what?

"Whose Caius?" I questioned Dad, sort of liking the way his name sounded on my lips.

"Why would Caius be looking for my daughter?" Mom asked sternly. When no one answer, she growled. "Edward?"

"Because Nadine is his mate," Dad said painfully, looking down on me. I furrowed my eyebrow.

What was a...mate?

And why did everyone seem so against this Caius being mine?

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