fall of a star ⸻ 019

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The thick air of the dance floor got to me after a while. And as much as I loved spinning around and landing in Caius' arms each time, it was decided between the two of us that we would take a break after about the thirtieth song.

I needed air; fresh air and apparently Caius needed a break from bumping into the 'commoners' on the dance floor. I, of course, rolled my eyes at his use of language but I'd learned in my time with him you couldn't change a stubborn man.

You could only love him, and maybe give him a small love tap before darting off and laughing, which is what I did.

I made my way outside the castle before Caius could kill me for hitting him, and made sure he wasn't behind me as I walked to my destination.

The fresh, warm summer air felt good in my lungs as I made my way to the bench where we had our first kiss. Smiling slightly, I sat down and watched the shining lights of the castle with a sigh.

Tonight has truly felt a like a dream so far. And sometimes, I couldn't believe that this is what my life was now.

First, I had been born into war. And then, I was born again as Queen of the vampire world and mate to Caius.

It was like a fairytale to have all of those people holding their breathes just to see me. To have them call me Queen, and respect me as such.

I didn't know if I would ever get used to it.

But right now, I figured I could at least enjoy it.

I hummed know content as my hand reached up to touch the golden crown on my head. After a few more moments outside, I figured that it was best to head back in and torture Caius some more on the dance floor.

As I thought this, I giggled to myself but as I began to stand up, I suddenly stopped as I heard a voice come from the shadows.

"And what exactly is Your Highness doing out here, all alone in the dark?" Came a familiar voice.

I spun around to see Atul emerging from the darkness. He hopped down from the pillars behind the bushes, exposing himself and the large grin on his sun-kissed face.

Upon seeing that it was just him, I relaxed my body and smiled at him.

"I only needed some air, My Lord," I told him, watching as he stepped closer.

Maybe it was just my imagination, but as he revealed himself in the moonlight, something seemed...different about the way he carried himself.

The Atul I was used to seeing usually pranced around like a drunk, human man. Always with a woman hanging off of his arm and smirking at another across the room.

But the way he was standing now seemed somber. Like he was here on some sort of business.

And subconsciously, I stepped back a few paces.

"Is it everything you hoped for and more?" He questioned, stopping right by the bench. When I only cocked an eyebrow at him, he clarified: "The ball, I mean. Does my father's celebration for you meet your standards?"

"I've never had a ball thrown for me before," I confessed as I continued stepping back, "But the one here tonight is wonderful. I've had quite the time dancing already."

"I saw," Atul laughed lightly and then a silence casted over us.

I gave him an awkward look and then stared over my shoulder at the castle in the distance. Bright golden lights called me back. I didn't know the time, but I figured Caius would be waiting either way.

"I should probably get going," I told Atul, fully prepared to turn tail and leave. But it seemed he had other plans as he flashed right in front of me.

I gasped at his sudden appearance but didn't have much time process it before he was cradling my face, holding me in place with his other arm.

MAKE THEM GOLDEN,   caius volturiWhere stories live. Discover now