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The toilet flushed as I leaned over it, tears gathered in my eyes and sorrow in my heart.

I could not get the image of Tishiro out of my mind no matter how hard I tried. When I closed my eyes, it was still there. Along with his head that I had taken clean off.

It took everything I could not to break down in the throne room. I stayed strong, not wanting Aro to see the satisfaction of me being weak. I didn't want Caius to see, either, but as soon as I got to my room I failed and broke down.

I knew he had been right behind me and I knew he was currently outside the door as I threw up my breakfast.

When I got done, my heart and stomach still in pieces, I opened it to see him sitting on the bed.

His red eyes met my equally red ones, and I looked away as to hide myself.

"Mia amora..."

"Don't," I cut off Caius off sharply and shook my head. "Please. I don't want to hear it," I said desperately, just wanting to lay down. "I can't..."

"I understand what you did was hard. But you must know you are in a Queen's position and that is what is expected-"

"I don't want to be in a Queen's position!" I yelled out, turning to him. Anger suddenly spiked in my chest. A lot of anger. "I want to go home- I don't even want to be here! You told me I would have no choice and I accepted it- but I will not accept killing people because it's the 'right' thing to do!"

When I finished, I was furious but Caius did not move a muscle. He did not say anything either and let me rant.

Whenever he saw that I was done, he simply sighed.

"You are upset, mia regina," He frowned, "That is understandable."

"No shit," I glared at him, my anger peaking. "Of course I'm angry! I'm angry and frustrated and I- I killed a man Caius."

My voice broke a little as I began to think about Tishiro again.

"He was going to witness for me and I was the one to kill him."

"Aro should not have made you do that," Caius said. "And if I had known-"

"Aro still would have made me do it," I finished. "It was a punishment, I realized. For being born and for going against him. He was punishing me. He wanted to see me break."

"And yet you did not," Caius observed. "You stayed brave and did not shed a tear in front of him."

I nodded, clenching my fist. "He took me here as to punish my parents. Not for you, though I'm sure you already know that. He's cruel in a kind way; you do not see it until the puzzles come together."

"As is the nature of my brother," Caius sighed. "He has always been like that; I however have no patience to be nice to my enemies."

"Is that why they call you the 'Cruel Leader?'" I questioned him. "Because you wear your cruelty on your sleeve?" His lips curled up as I spoke. Suddenly, he flashed in front of me.

"Mia regina, you are brave indeed," He chuckled, running a thumb over my cheek. "Not many people would have the courage to say that in front of me."

"Maybe I am not 'many people' then," I whispered, leaning into his touch. "Maybe I am an alien, sent here to invade earth or something."

"Now that would be interesting," He said, and he was so close that I could feel my heart nearly beating against his chest. My cheek came to rest in the palm of his hand, my eyes looking up him. He leaned down; but unfortunately that was all he did.

"Until we can prove that though, you shall be mia regina. And you shall rule with me one day but only after you have gotten rest."

I frowned in disappointment as he moved away, removing the hand on cheek and removing himself from me. My heart panged at the distance, but I tried to ignore it as he sent the bed and the motioned for me to lie down.

"Sleep, Nadine," He purred my name. "We shall have another busy day tomorrow. But no court," He said as he saw my face. At that though, I relaxed a little.

"And what of you?" I questioned, wondering that he was going to do, "Will you being staying or will you leave tonight?"

"I will do whatever you want me to do," He promised. My breath hitched.

I thought about today and flinched at the thought of being completely alone with my thoughts tonight. I didn't know if I could handle it, but maybe Caius' presence would help ease it.

So, shyly I asked:

"Will you stay?" And Caius showed that he was more than happy to fulfill my request.

MAKE THEM GOLDEN,   caius volturiWhere stories live. Discover now