trials ⸻ 011

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When I woke, it wasn't in my usual bed. In fact, nothing around me looked familiar and it took a few moments to realize why.

I was in Volterra, and I was Caius' mate.

A shiver ran down my spine as everything came flooding back to me, the cold air nipping at my body as I got out of bed. Slowly, I creeped towards the door.

But as I did, a voice rang out.

"Going somewhere, mia amora?"

Caius smirked as a small scream left my lips, my heart beating out of my chest. My fright seemed to have amused him but I did not think it was funny as I glared at him.

"What are you doing in here?" I asked breathlessly, clutching my chest. Caius stood up, his robes swishing behind him as he did so.

"I was watching over you as you slept, amora," He said causally, "So that no one would enter your chambers and try something foolish."

"Yeah?" I rose an eyebrow at him. "So that gives you the right to scare me half to death?!"

"I apologize for the intrusion," He smirked, "I was only doing it for your safety."

He sounded a sincere and bowed his head a little. I sighed. "Just warn me next time," I told him, flipping back on the bed.

He chuckled at my actions and came to stand next to me. I could smell his scent, being half vampire myself, to say it was intoxicating would've been an understatement. I closed my eyes to soak it in, somehow enjoying his presence.

"We have a busy day ahead today," He said suddenly, making me snap my eyes back open.

"Yeah?" I scooted to the edge of the bed and looked at him. "What's on the menu?"

"Breakfast," He smiled deviously, "And then after that we have a trial. We have all decided that if you are going to be my Queen, you need to know how everything works," He said.

"Q-Queen?" I nearly choked on my own spit. Caius nodded. "What do you mean I'm going to be...Queen?" I asked with wide eyes.

Caius frowned. "It means you are to rule alongside my brothers and I," He said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Only it wasn't.

I knew I was his mate, but being Queen of the Volturi was something else entirely.

"I...but I..."

"Shhh..." Caius quickly ran to my side and ran a finger along my jaw as my heart began beating faster. "There is no need to fret, Mia amora. We will teach you everything you need to know," He reassured me.

"Promise?" I shivered at his cold touch. He nodded.

"I swear it to you. And you shall make a great Queen one day, rest assured."

* * *

After breakfast, I washed up and put on a dress that Caius had so kindly gotten for me. It was made of silk and golden, 'A perfect fit for a Queen,' He had said.

He then took my hand and began to lead to me throne room, my stomach growing in knots the close we got. I wasn't sure what to expect; but walking in on two of the guards restraining a vampire wasn't it.

"Ah," Aro smiled gleeful at our presence. Marcus nodded in acknowledgement. "Young Nadia. You clean up nicely."

"Thank you Aro," I told him, keeping my voice a little stiff. I was still iffy with him, as it had not been too long ago since he declared war on my family.

But I decided not to bring this up as I made my way up the marble stairs.

It felt like every eye was on me. Vampires watched curiously as I took my place beside Caius. I felt exposed, but tried to keep my composure either way.

"It seems you were just in time, brother," Aro smirked as he turned his attention back towards the retrained vampire.

"Is that so?" Caius rose an eyebrow, "What does the criminal have to say for himself?"

"Please!" My body flinched at the desperation on the man's face, "Please, I'm innocent! I had nothing to do with them, you have to believe me Aro!"

His red eyes were wide with fear. If he wasn't immortal, I feared he would be shaking.

"Our sources tell us otherwise, Tishiro," Aro grinned at the man, stepping closer to him. "Word has it that you sent a letter to Carlisle claiming your allegiance to him."

My eyes winded at the mention of my grandfather. My heart leaped- is that was this was about? He was being interrogated...because he tried helping us?

"No, no, I would never!" The man screamed. "I am only loyal to you, you know that!"

"Do I?" Aro mocked him. "Let us see, shall we?"

He walked close to the man and held out his hand. The man was frightened but had no choice if he wanted to live, even if it was just for a few more seconds.

Aro closed his eyes, I held my breath, waiting. When he opened his eyes, I could already tell it wasn't good. My stomach dropped.

"Well?" Caius raised an eyebrow expectantly. Aro grinned.

"False," Was the only word he said.

The two vampires holding the man grinned too. One of them grabbed the man's head as he began pleading for his life.

"No, no please! I would never go against you! I am loyal, Aro!" He cried out, struggling against the guards.

Aro tsked. "If only your words were as true as your thoughts old friend," He sighed. But it didn't seem like he was done yet.

My heart dropped as Aro suddenly turned to me. He grinned wider and then said the words that made my stomach twist.

"Would you like to do the honors, my dear?" He asked, and I gasped as he beckoned me forward.


I couldn't believe what I was hearing. My heart raced.

"I said, would you like to do the honors?" Aro repeated, as if what he just asked wasn't outrageous. "It is your family he was willing to die for in the first place. He should die the hands of the girl he wanted to protect."

I felt sick as the vampire's eyes landed on me. Along with everyone else, he waited expectantly. Aro beckoned me forward but Caius gently grabbed my hand.

"You should not make her do this," He warned Aro, but it seemed the black haired man did not agree.

"If she is to be Queen," He said, "Then she must learn to act like one. Come dear, serve justice to the man that was willing to kill your mate."

He said it so firmly that I knew deep in my heart that I did not have a choice. My body began began to shake; tears gathered in my eyes but did not drop as I made my way down the stairs and in front of the man.


I turned my head so he would not see me cry, and so that I would not see him either.

"Tishiro Wakatoshi, how do you plead?" Aro asked mockingly as my hands began to wrap around his throat.

"Please! Aro, no! I'm innocent!" He cried out in his final moments.

Aro gave me the signal to continue. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry," I whispered towards Tishrio, and then I took off his head.

MAKE THEM GOLDEN,   caius volturiWhere stories live. Discover now