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"No, you can go to hell," My mother hissed the minute they came close to me, shielding me behind her back. "We're done here."

"Bella," My grandfather's soft voice spoke up, "Let him speak."

"No!" My mother refused. "He's not getting anywhere near her Carlisle!"

"What is the meaning of this?" Caius rose an eyebrow at Aro, and then my mother. "Why have you kept back to speak with this insulant newborn, Aro?"

He was anything but pleased with the situation. But in my heart, I knew what was to come.

Aro smiled gleefully. "It is not Isabella I wish for you to speak to, dear brother," He said mischievously. And then his red eyes landed on me, cowering behind my mother. "It is Nadine."

"My daughter has no business with him," My father hissed, backing up my mother. By now, the entire clearing was watching us intently.

I grew nervous as Reneesme squeezed my hand, worry on her face.

"Your daughter," Aro paused, grinning wickedly, "Is his mate."

His words hit me like a bunch of bricks. I stumbled back, terrified that our secret had been reveled. My family looked at us with questioning glances, minus Alice who already knew.

"What?" Caius hissed, his eyes on me now.

"It seems that Isabella and Edward's youngest is your betrothed, brother. Something that they wished to keep a secret from you," Aro said smugly. Clearly, he was waiting for the drama.

Caius' eyes were furious as he looked at my parents.

"You would dare keep her from me?" He growled, possessiveness in his voice. "She's mine!"

"She's my daughter!" My mother shouted back with just as much venom.

"Aro, please, you can't do this," My father looked at him with wide eyes, reading his thoughts.

Aro smiled mischievously. "Two mates should be together, Edward. Being too far apart will be painful for them both; as I'm sure you know the feeling."

"She's not leaving Forks," Dad snapped, shocking me.

"What?" For the first time, I spoke up. My voice was timid but loud enough to be heard. Caius looked at me with a wonder in his eyes but I ignored it for my sake. "Dad, what are talking about?"

"Edward?" My mom asked expectantly.

"Aro wants Nadine to leave Forks and join Caius in the Volturi," My father spoke up. "He thinks it's only right for mates to be together."

"Aro," It was my grandfather that spoke up this time. "You cannot expect Nadine to leave her home. It's not right!"

"My dear Carlisle, I'm afraid once again we do not see eye to eye," Aro sighed.

"She belongs with us," Caius hissed.

"No," Everyone was shocked was when I finally stepped out of the shadows, tired of hiding behind my family. They needed to hear it from me. "I'm not going."


"No!" I shouted out which cause Nessie to flinch. "No, I- I'm not going to Volterra! Or Italy, or anywhere for that matter. I belong here. I belong with my family!"

"You do not know what you are saying," Caius said.

I pursed my lips. "I think I do," I said firmly. "And I'm not going. That's final. I don't care what Alice has seen, I don't care what the both of you think. I'm. Not. Leaving."

"You would dare reject your mate?" Aro gaped. "That's preposterous!"

I looked at the hurt in Caius' eyes and quickly looked away. "Yes," I said quietly, "If it means staying with my family, then yes."

"You heard her," Dad stepped back in front me. "She doesn't want to go with you, Caius."

"She hasn't given it a chance," He growled.

"She doesn't want to. That's her choice," Dad said defensively.

"Im afraid that may not be the case," Aro stepped up, sighing dramatically. My heart began to speed up. What was he talking about? "Being away from a mate is not as easy as it seems, my dear. Believe me, your father tried it once and it nearly destroyed him and your mother."

Both mom and dad looked away, wincing at the memory.

"The bond of two mates is an extremely powerful thing. If you were human - you may be able to ignore it. But I'm afraid there is a part of you that is not. And that part will call to Caius, no matter what or where. And if you were to be away for too long..."

I held my breath, waiting for what he was going to say next.

"It may very well end up driving you insane," Aro said.

My eye widened.


Was he being serious? Would being away from Caius actually make me go crazy? That was impossible. He must be lying!

"Dad?" I turned to his frantically, wanting to know the truth. "Is it true? Read his mind- will being away actually drive me insane?"


"No!" I flinched away from the sympathy in his voice, horror seeping in my veins. Aro actually was telling the truth. "N-No it can't be, I can't-"

"The last time a vampire tried to reject their mate, he ended up at our castle begging for death," Caius said surprisingly soft. He looked me and my tear filled eyes and held out his hand. "Come. You will not be harmed at Volterra. You will live a good life, I swear to you."

"But-" I turned to my mom, my dad, anyone for help. But all they did was give me looks of sympathy. They knew I couldn't escape this.

"My child, Volterra will be everything you want and more," Aro promised, "You have my word."

He bowed and it was then that a feeling a dread enter my chest. Nessie cried as I begin to sniffle too, realizing that my fate was truly about to change.

"Say your goodbye's," Caius said once more, "For we must be off by morn."

He encouraged me towards my family, who all gathered around, frozen tears in their dead eyes.

I sobbed as I immediately reached for my mother, crying in her chest while the rest of the family hugged me.

"Shh. Shh. You'll be okay," I could tell even she didn't believe that, as a creature of grace shouldn't be choking on her own words. "Everything will be fine, Nadi."

"We will come for you when the time is right," Dad promised, his face agonized.

My sobs increased when I heard Reneesme crying, her small body running to mine as she tackled me in a hug.

"I don't want you to go," She sniffled, looking at me with teary eyes.

I smiled sadly. "I know. I know, Nessie. But I'll be back, okay? This won't be last time you see me. I'll be back, okay?"

I tried to convince her as much as I tried to convince myself.

'I'll be back.'

As I hugged each and every one of my family members, I began to believe that less and less. Is Rosalie could sob, my shoulder would be wet with her tears. She held me close, and she was the first to truly hold me in this world.

"Stay safe," She advised, worry in her golden eyes. "Call us as soon as you can."

"If anything happens we'll take care of it," Emmett glared at the two kings. I sniffled as I finished hugging them and went to Alice and Jasper. Alice didn't have much to say; only a few words from the future. Jasper shocked me by hugging me the longest.

Carlisle and Esme were the last and maybe the hardest to say goodbye to, besides my parents. I would dearly miss grandmother's kind smiles and the compassion of my grandfather.

As I finished up my goodbyes and walked over to the two kings, I replayed the last time something normal ever happened in my life.

My mind came up blank.

MAKE THEM GOLDEN,   caius volturiDär berättelser lever. Upptäck nu