same mistakes ⸻ 014

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I felt my mind go blank the rest of the time I spent with Splucia.

By the time Caius had come back for me, I was already deep in my thoughts and barely paid attention to the words he said.

The only thing I could focus on was the story, the imagery of Caius slaying every last Child of the Night.

But more than that, there was pit in my stomach as I thought about Athenadora.

From what Splucia said, she was a beautiful woman with long blonde locks and the softest voice she had ever heard. It was a pit of jealousy that raged inside of me, as I thought about her and Caius together, for five hundred years.

He started a war for her. And a crushing feeling hit me;

How could I ever compare to woman he once cared so deeply for?

"Mia cara," I was snapped out of my thoughts as Caius and I arrived at another unfamiliar destination. It wasn't my room, instead it favored a study with large bookcases, a desk and a couch with a fireplace in full swing.

I took a seat on the leather and Caius sat next to me. He frowned at my spaced-out expression and brought his hand up to cradle my face.

"What is troubling you?" He asked softly. My eyes focused on the fire that raged as mind did. "Did Splucia say anything to you?"

My face scrunched up; I was terrible at hiding my emotions. Caius knew that she did, judging by my reaction. He sighed.

"What did she say?" He asked, his voice slightly annoyed.

I grappled with telling him the truth or not, since it was sort of embarrassing I had been brought to silence by jealousy.

But, as I said, I was terrible at hiding my true emotions.

"She told me the story about the Children of the Night," I confessed quietly, my brown eyes meeting his red ones. Caius tensed as soon as the words left my mouth. "And with that...she also told me about...Athenadora."

His face darkened.

For a moment, I feared for Splucia as Caius gripped the leather in his hands and nearly crushed it.

"She told you everything?" He asked venomously. I nodded fearfully.

He cursed. "She had no right-!" He suddenly stood up and growled, throwing the nearest object into the wall. I gasped as the book left a hole; but that was the least of my concerns.

"S-She only told me because I asked!" I quickly told him, not wanting him or Splucia to be angry with me for telling. "Really, I made her-"

"No one can make Splucia do anything, Mia cara," Caius sighed, his eyes still dancing with fury. "If she told you it is because she wanted you to know. And I should have never-"

He went on a mini rant and a few more books were sacrificed.

But I was confused;

"I don't understand; Why would Splucia want me to know that?" I asked him.

Caius sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Despite what she may have told you," He said, "Splucia loved Athenadora as if she were her own sister. She would have done anything for her, including set Athenadora free if that is what she wished."

"Set her free? I don't-"

"Her greatest distain was to be locked in that tower," Caius explained, "But alas, Aro insisted. He convinced me that with our enemies on the lose, she would be safer that way. And like a fool I listened."

MAKE THEM GOLDEN,   caius volturiNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ