khan ⸻ 015

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A/N: An extra update cause why not? Enjoy!

That night, I laid in bed and waited for Caius to get back. And to say I was disappointed when I woke up warm and alone was an understatement.

I frowned at the emptiness, but no matter where I looked, there was no Caius.

I sighed, but decided to get up anyways. After what happened last night I had figured he was still held up in the throne room. And much as I wanted to see him, I didn't even think about going there.

From what it sounded like, this Khan Coven was very important.

I briefly wondered if I'd ever get to meet them. But then, my thoughts were suddenly disrupted by a knock on the door.

Like clockwork, it was one of the servants who had came to serve my breakfast. When I opened the door I smiled at her, but there was something quite different about her this morning.

"My lady," She bowed, her red eyes peering up at me with a smile. "I believe you're expecting your breakfast, yes?"

"Thank you Margery," I took the tray from her and my stomach growled at all of the delicious foods on it. Pancakes, strawberries, and of course; a cup of blood on the side.

She bowed again, "You're welcome, my lady," She said, but she did not leave afterwards. Instead, she lingered, and I peered at her curiously as I bit into a strawberry.

"Margery? Is there something else?" I frowned as she swayed back and forth.

Vampires don't sway, I thought.

And then suddenly, she grinned as she made her way in.

"So it is true," She mused playfully, taking down her hood and then- well, changing into someone that wasn't quite Margery.

I gasped as the woman in front of me seemed to literally change skins, standing up as Margery's brown hair turned black and her pale skin turned into a pale brown.

In front of me was woman, one who I did not know. But she obviously knew me.

"The Volturi has taken a new Queen."

"Who are you?" I trembled slightly as I stood up, fear coursing my veins at this new, mysterious woman. "What do you want? Caius will-"

"Caius is currently occupied by my family," She said, amused. "I don't think he will be out of there any time soon, either."

My heart sped up as she closed the door, locking it. Her lean body stood in front of it, her arms crossing and a smirk on her dark red lips.

It was then that it suddenly clicked to me who she was.

"You're part of the Khan Coven," I said. The women's grin widened at this.

"So you have heard of me," She laughed, dipping her head. "That's great! Seems he keeps you more  informed than the last one."

I frowned at this.

Athenadora? Was that who she was talking about? Had she met her before? I wondered.

As if she could read my mind, the woman scoffed. "Oh, don't look so depressed," She teased, "I'm sure your king loves you very much. Probably more than her."

"He doesn't-" I started to say, but instead I stopped myself. I don't know why, but I was beginning to grow annoyed at this woman. Perhaps it was because I didn't like people messing with me, or maybe it was because I was hungry, and she interrupted my breakfast.

Or both.

My stomach growled again and I sighed as she made no move to do anything.

Feeling bold, I asked;

MAKE THEM GOLDEN,   caius volturiWhere stories live. Discover now