volterra ⸻ 010

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The plane rumbling underneath my feet reminded me that I wasn't in a dream, unfortunately. After saying goodbye to my family; Aro, Caius and I ran to a plane that was seemingly big enough to fly the entire Volturi home.

We had our own private part of the plane, away from the rest of the vampires. But unfortunately I was forced to share with all three kings.

Caius sat on my right; Aro and Marcus in front of us. Marcus seemed to be reading a book that even more older and worn out than he was. Caius spoke, and Aro was 'pretending' not to listen.

"You're still crying, il mio unico," Caius frowned slightly, displeasure in his voice at my tears. "Why?"

"Because I miss my family," I sniffled and then flinched away from the cold finger that came up to dry my eyes. "That's why."

"Are you not happy to come to Italy with me?" Caius asked.

I didn't answer. He should have already known the answer to that.

The vampire sighed at my silence. "I see. If it was your wish to stay with your family, then why didn't you?"

"Because Aro said I'd be miserable and go crazy for the rest of my life," I answered with red eyes.

"So you would rather be just miserable in Volterra?"

"Precisely," I crossed my arms and looked out the window at the scenery. Nothing but dark clouds and vast emptiness below that. If I had to guess, we were flying over the ocean. I wondered sharks could leap high enough to swallow me out of the plane.

"I see," There was a slight bitterness in Caius' tone. I didn't really pick up on it until he suddenly turned to face the other way, scowling.

'Did I hurt his feelings?' I briefly wondered.

A twinge of guilt raced through my heart.

'No, that can't be right.' Caius doesn't seem like the type to let other people's words affect him.

Still, he never said a word to me again for the entire flight. Something I was both grateful and regretful of.

Spending a thirteen hour flight in utter silence was grounds for going insane in itself. Not to mention I was insanely hungry, my stomach growling every two seconds. If the kings heard it then they must have ignored it. Either for a lacking of knowing, or care.

By the time the place reached down, I was ready to gobble down anything I could get my hands on.

Surprisingly, the plane landed us at an international airport in Italy. It was bright, full of life and people. Much opposite to our company, who stood out in comparison.

"I...I thought the goal was to be inconspicuous," I said to Aro, who just shrugged.

"Okay then..."

I guess the rules didn't apply to them.

As we walked through the airport, I tried my best not to fall into the crowd of other vampires. Believe it or not, I felt much safer falling behind with the three kings, keeping Caius' back as reference point.

My stomach growled the minute we passed the Starbucks. As we made it out of the airport, I saw that no cars were waiting for us.

"We're running?" I asked out loud, surprised.

"It is the quickest way to get back to the castle," Caius said. "Come."

He held out his arms and for a minute I stared at him, confused. Only when I looked at his expectant face did I realize what he wanted me to do.

"Wha- you want to carry me all the way back to Volterra?" I asked, bewildered. "You don't have to- I-I can run."

"It will be much faster this way," He said. "You run faster than a human but slower than a vampire. You will only get lost and slow us down."


"Nadine," Caius was annoyed at my antics. He motioned me over to him and for a moment, I froze at the way he said my named. It rolled off of his tongue perfectly and the authority in his voice compelled to comply.

I blushed as I walked over to him, head down as Caius picked me up and cradled me to his cold body.

Butterflies erupted at his touch. A hot, white feeling traveled through me — why was I suddenly flustered by the man who's arms I was in. What had just happened?

"Hold on tight, la mia bellezza," Caius whispered lowly in my ear, causing me to shiver. The butterflies increased; I was nearly speechless.

"O-Okay," I managed to stutter out, before tightening my grip and holding on as the trees and towns of Italy passed by.

It was almost all a blur but due to my heightened vision I was able to make out bits and pieces of our surroundings.

I marveled at the landscapes and lush green fields we passed; the flowers and all the vegetation I didn't have back home. Even the air smelled fresher, prompting me to take in a few deep breaths.

My pulse was running with excitement by the time we reached the castle.

Caius let me down and I turned to him with new excitement in my eyes, causing him to chuckle.

"Can we got back one day? To that tower and all the flower fields?" I asked like a child in a toy store.

Caius smiled, a real and genuine smile. "Amore mia, I shall take you to see the world if that is what you so desire. But tonight, mia bellezza, we rest."

A/N: I love hearing you guys' feedback so let me know what you think of the story so far! What do you think of Caius and Nadine? What do you think their future will be like?

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