one of us ⸻ 017

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A/N: This chapter has slight mentions of blood (it's honestly like a few drops but I know some people are sensitive to that kinda stuff) so if you don't like that kinda stuff then feel free to skip to the end!

"Ouch!" I winced as the woman that was fitting my dress pricked me with the needle, again.

"Sorry your grace," She quickly apologized and I sighed, accepting it again.

It had been like this for the past few hours, and while the Khans were kind enough to send someone to make me a custom dress for the ball, I was not happy about all of the poking she did.

Honestly, I was surprised I hadnt bled out yet but I kept my comments to myself, as Caius said it wasn't proper for a Queen to complain. Not that I was anyways, so I kept my mouth shut and endured it

Out of the past two days, this was the only part that sucked. Otherwise, I loved touring the Red Palace and hearing of it's history. It really was beautiful, and a thousand times more lively than Volterra.

Here, vampires and humans alike resided together. In fact, the woman doing my dress was human. Aro wasn't too happy to find this out but he kept quiet for the sake of peace.

Life in the Red Palace was...refreshing to say the least. Like a breath of fresh air. It was refreshing to the point where I wished we could stay or redecorate Volterra to be like it, but I would never tell Caius or any of the kings that.

Besides, I probably won't have any more air or blood in my body by the time all of this was finished.


I nearly jumped in the air as she pricked my wrist.

"Sorry, your grace," She apologized, just as a knock sounded on the door and I nearly jumped out of my skin, again.

"Come in," I grumbled slightly, rubbing the sore spot and tuning in to see who was entering. I may have been able to catch their scent if my nose wasn't filled with the smell of my own blood already.

"I hope I am not disturbing anything," Caius came in with a smirk, knowing how much I hated these fittings.

I gave him a desperate look as she tightened the fabric around my waist.

"Not at all," I told him through gritted teeth. "Your grace."

He closed the door and as soon as he walked in, his eyes darkened.

"Is everything all right?" I asked cautiously as I was pricked again.

Caius tensed as I snatched my hand away and cradled my slightly bleeding finger. It wasn't until I brought it up to my lips to sooth the stinging did I realize why he became quiet all of a sudden.

"Get out," He glared at the woman doing my dress causing her to freeze in fear. My eyes widened.

"Caius!" I lightly scolded him for being so rude and in turn he gave her a sarcastic smile.

"My apologies," He bowed, his eyes shining with annoyance as he came back up. "Get out, please," He spit.

The woman wasted no time in abandoning her work to scurry out of the door. I frowned as she did, glaring at Caius who wore an innocent expression on his face.

"You didn't have to be so rude," I mumbled, stepping down from the small stool.

"What? I said please," He smirked. I rolled my eyes.

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