rise of a queen ⸻ 020

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It seemed like everything in me was screaming at me to get out of the way. To move, before Prionka came close enough to snap my neck before I could even blink.

Every instinct I had begged me to save myself and run.

Everything inside of me, except for my mind. That was only focused on one thing.


I said the word with as much force as I could muster and willed the thought into her mind. I forced it to cloud any previous judgment she may have had, repeating it so strongly that she had no choice but to obey.

And when I opened my eyes, expecting to see the darkness of death, I saw a much sweeter sight instead.

I saw light, and in that came Caius' shining face along with the image of Prionka on her knees, unable to move as my mind commanded hers. She struggled physically to get up, but she was unable to release herself from my power and helpless as Felix and Demetri came to retrieve her.

"Take her away," Aro demanded harshly, his wide red eyes meeting mine.

I could tell there weren't many things in his life that took Aro by surprise. But judging by the look on his face, and by the way he was looking at Prionka, I knew that even this wasn't something he had seen coming.

"Oh, my dearest Nadine!" He sprinted to my side and touched my face dramatically, causing me to flinch and shy away deeper into Caius' side.

He growled as the remnants of my blood trickled down my face onto my dress.

"Whatever happened out here?!"

"I think it's pretty obvious that she tried to kill me, Aro," I told him blankly as I wiped the blood off of my face. But, for good measure, I gave him my bruised hand which showed him everything.

He searched my mind and looked rather disturbed as he did so. But, as he reached the end, Aro's eyes grew as wide a saucers. And when he pulled away, a look of pure astonishment was on his face.

"Oh my," He said deeply, looking from me to where Prionka had stood only moments ago.

"Well?" Caius didn't even try to be patient as he looked between the two of us, a mixture fury and confusion on his face.

Aro pursed his lips. "It seems that Nadine has found her true power after all, brother," Aro informed him, a hint of glee lacing his voice. "And it may have saved her life tonight."

"Oh, nevermind that!" Caius waved him off and looked down on me with the softest expression I had ever seen him wear. "Are you alright, Mia amora, is what I really care about."

Aro scoffed a little at this.

"I'm alright," I told him, allowing his close proximity to finally relax me. I breathed in and when I did, I was able to tell that he was the real Caius, and not Prionka pretending to be. "I'm still standing by some miracle and not missing a limb, I think."

Caius pursed his lips together, clearly not amused at my joke.

"You could have died, Mia amora. You should not be making jokes when I could have lost you so easily tonight. If I had known-"

"If you had known then you would have burned this castle to the ground," I interrupted him. He growled.

"It's what I should have done in the first place," He snapped as his eyes drifted over towards Prionka.

Her screams seemed to be the last of the chaos as Jane stood by her and mercilessly used her power on her.

I watched, void of emotion, as the crowds began to gather and witnessed what happened when someone crossed a member of the Volturi.

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