unanswered questions

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Before they had left Cair Paravel, or what was left of it, Lucy gave Estelle one of her dresses from when she was 'older' and Peter made sure that he armed her with one of his spare daggers. Of course, she had almost no knowledge of how to use it effectively, yet the fraction of safety it brought was enough for her to accept the blade and strap it to her thigh, concealed by her skirt.

The Pevensie's tried to explain their tales in Narnia to the girl on their journey. They briefed her on their battle with the White Witch -which left Edmund shuffling his feet-, the immense power of Aslan and their coronation as the Kings and Queens of Old.

They had also attempted to explain the time differences and how they grew to be old in Narnia and yet returned back to their younger selves as if only 2 minutes had passed. Estelle had never felt emotions quite as mixed as she did in this moment. Firstly she was in awe, she had been best friends with royalty for months without even the faintest idea, but she also felt grief at the current state of the land, almost as if she had known it in its glory.

Before Lucy could finish her story about a fawn named Tumnus, the five found themselves bolting towards a river at the sight of a man tied up on a boat. Susan almost instantly drew her bow,
"Drop him!"
Estelle winced at her poor choice of words and hoped that the captors would be too frantic to notice the slip-up. They weren't.
Without delay, they threw the tied up man -who Estelle came to realise was a dwarf- into the water, not anticipating his survival.

Susan finished off the soldiers whilst Edmund went to pull in their boat and Peter fought against the current to rescue the dwarf. Lucy practically threw herself at the man and freed him from his restraints once he was on land and luckily still alive, stepping back so he could remove his gag and expel the water from his lungs.

"Drop him! thats the best you can come up with?!" He snapped.
"A simple thank you would suffice" Susan tried to reason.
"They were doing fine drowning me without your help!"
"Maybe we should've let them" Estelle muttered causing Edmund to glance over at her, but only briefly, in an attempt conceal their amused smirks.

"Why were they trying to kill you anyway?" the youngest asked innocently, not wanting to anger the small man anymore than her sister already had.
"They're Telmarines, it's what they do"
this piqued the interest of the Pevensie's.
"Telmarines? in Narnia?" Edmund questioned.
"Where have you been for the last few hundred years?"
"It's a long story" Lucy said with a hint of guilt lacing her voice but a shy smile fixed across her features.
"Oh you have got to be kidding me-"
"-You're it? you're the Kings and Queens of Old?" The dwarf said.

Peter held out his hand and introduced himself as "High King Peter, the Magnificent" like it was a reflex for him. An obnoxious reflex nonetheless.
"You probably could've left out that last bit" Susan aired all their thoughts.
"Probably-" the dwarf snickered at his overly inflated ego.
"-But there's five of you, just who might you be?"

Estelle suddenly felt all eyes shift to her, she didn't know what to say. After all, she was just Estelle Amore, she didn't serve a purpose in Narnia, nor could she explain why she was even there in the first place.
"oh erm- I'm Estelle Amore"
A look of disbelief planted itself onto the dwarfs face.
"It can't be" his eyebrows furrowed and his eyes drew to a squint, contemplating the likelihood that this was really her.

This only worsened the girls pondering. He seemed to know something that she didn't.
"You might be surprised" Peter taunted the man as he drew his sword.
"Oh, you don't want to do that boy"
"Not me, him" he gestured to his younger brother, Estelle could recall one of Edmund's earlier comments, something about being the best swordsman in Narnia, something she was about to witness for herself. Her nerves were slightly calmed when she saw the dwarf fall forward at the weight of Peter's weapon,  however they only doubled when the small man tripped the Just and hit him in the face.

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