slave traders

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The three followed Caspian through to the sleeping quarters and once Edmund was given some privacy, the two girls had been told that they could share the King's own room instead of sleeping with the rest of the predominantly male crew.

Estelle was clad in a billowy white tunic, a black corset belt, brown pants and some scuffed black boots. She'd allowed her own hair to remain free and curl up due to the exposure to the salty air, but she was practically begged to braid Lucy's hair to the side. After a short while, a knock was heard on their door.
"It's Caspian."
The eldest girl sprung to her feet and opened the door in one swift motion, Lucy carefully watching her every movement.
"Hi." She said awkwardly under her breath.
"Hi, I have something that you may want to see."

He once again led the way, this time into the main room that held the plans for their voyage. The Pevensie siblings and Estelle stood in pure awe of the decor.
"Look, Susan's bow and arrows."
"My healing cordial and dagger! Oh- may I?" She politely asked the King.
"Of course, they're yours."

He spotted the Amore staring up at a painting of Aslan in admiration. He loved when she looked like this. Her eyes spoke purely of curiosity and innocence, a drive to know everything in the world, she deserves more than a boring life in England, he thought.
He watched her closely as she walked towards him, mesmerised by her graceful movements and wanting to absorb every second he had with her this time around.

He pulled out a box of daggers and held them out to her, chuckling slightly when her eyes sparkled at the sight.
"I know you prefer them to swords." He didn't know why he felt the need to explain himself, but there was something about her presence that made him nervous. Her eyes met his and asked for reassurance that these were for her to take, Caspian just nodded and gestured for her to accept them.
"Thank you."

"Peter's sword!"
"Yes, I looked after it as promised. Here, hold it if you wish."
"No, no. It's yours, Peter gave it to you."
Edmund's tone sounded harsh, as if he was offended on his brothers behalf of Caspian's willingness to give Rhindon away. If he was given the sword, he would've protected it with his life and never let it be wielded by another. But he was just the boy that was offered to hold the weapon, never to have it.
"I did save this for you though."
The electric torch landed in Ed's hand and he instantly flicked it on, momentarily blinding himself. Estelle rolled her eyes dramatically and felt a giggle climb out her throat.

She didn't understand why she wasn't entirely blissful in this moment. She was home and surrounded by people that she had missed oh so dearly, and yet the grief of leaving already plagued her thoughts. After all, it was only a matter of time before she'd be sent back to London again to exist cruelly, possibly forever this time.
"Since you left, the Giants of the North surrendered unconditionally. Then we defeated the Calormen armies at the Great Desert. There is peace across all of Narnia."
"In just three years." Caspian confirmed.

Lucy tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and looked up with curious eyes.
"And have you found yourself a queen in those three years?"
"No, none to compare with your sister."
Why did he just say that? He was such an idiot. He knew that it wasn't true and that Susan wasn't the one invading his thoughts constantly. So why did he feel the need to lie? Maybe so his confusing feelings towards the Amore went undetected? But even that wouldn't be so bad. In just a sentence, Estelle knew why she was unhappy. Part of her had hoped that when she eventually returned to Narnia, she would have the chance to get to know the new King more, but now she knew that he was still hung up on Susan and still would be indefinitely.

She knew that her disappointment with his answer was written all over her features and so she spoke up to mask them.
"But if there are no threats or wars to fight, then why are we here?"
"It's a good question, I've been asking myself the same thing."
"Well, where are we sailing?" Lucy added.
"Before I took the throne back from my uncle, he tried to kill my father's closest friends and most loyal supporters. Orion Amore being one of the first. Then it was the seven lords of Telmar-" he continued, very much aware of the pain plastered on Estelle's face at the mention of her late father.
"-They fled to the Lone Islands, no one has heard from them since."
"So you think something has happened to them?" Edmund asked.
"Well, if it has, it's my duty to find out."
"What's east of the Lone Islands?"

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